2016年9月12日 星期一

兩岸冷對抗持續升溫 台國際空間或被壓縮

<轉載自2016912 明報 社評>
APEC台方代表人選角力 通關密鑰是「九二共識」
兩岸未來戰場在國際 習奧會中方發出信號

Beijing tackles Taiwan on the diplomatic front
AT THE G20 SUMMIT in Hangzhou last week, all eyes were on the talk between Xi Jinping, the Chinese President and US President Barack Obama, during which they discussed a wide array of topics ranging from the South China Sea, North Korea's nuclear test, measures against terrorism to the two countries' differences on the control of their military forces. What observers had not expected was that, during the meeting, Xi stressed China's "determination to stop Taiwan's independence or separatism in any shape or form" and expressed hope that "the US will stick to its one-China policy and the principles laid out in the Three Communiqués", adding that the US had to put all that into practice in order to "preserve the framework of cooperation between China and the US". Barack Obama, in response, said that the US's one-China policy remains unchanged and that the US "does not support any attempts to seek Taiwan's independence". The conversation has the effect of China isolating the US from Taiwan independence. It also shows that the Beijing authorities' confrontation with Tsai Ing-wen is spilling over to the international arena.
It has recently been reported that Tsai was thinking about appointing James Soong, Chairman of the People First Party, as a special envoy to APEC, but the idea has been vetoed by the Beijing authorities. The cross-strait relations, if looked at objectively, are now well past the period of each side testing the other's bottom line. It is now concluded that Tsai has failed to attempt the "unfinished test". When Tsai's popularity took a nosedive 100 days into her presidency, her administration experienced a lot of setbacks, there were repeated calls to topple the cabinet, and parades and demonstrations were in the pipeline, some people on the mainland thought that Tsai might sooner or later change course and return to the cross-strait policies pursued by Ma Ying-jeou. But in fact, Tsai's grip on power remains solid. Her approval rating, though lower compared with the time she was sworn in, remains around 50 per cent. True, the declining numbers of mainland visitors have dismayed the tourist industry. But Taiwan's exports are back in positive territory. The pressure she is faced with is not so strong as to make her change her ways.
Tsai's administrative strategies are composed of three pillars. The first is the consolidation of Taiwan's self-identification with the aim of strengthening the Democratic Progressive Party's administration and countering mainland China politics. The confiscation of property improperly acquired by political parties, referred to as "the excavation of the family tombs" of the Chinese National Party, is part of it. The second is the "New Southward Policy" aimed at enhancing the self-sufficiency of the Taiwanese economy and reducing its dependence on mainland China. The third is Taiwan's engagement with the international community with the aim of "bringing Taiwan to the world and bringing the world to Taiwan". This is the Tsai administration's strategy of seeking international protection of Taiwan. The Taiwanese military has recently declared that mainland China is making preparations for its invasion of Taiwan in 2020. But in fact, Tsai has known very well since she resolved not to recognise the 1992 consensus that the confrontation between both sides across the Taiwan Strait will be centred on the diplomatic - rather than military - front. There is little the Beijing authorities can do as long as she can use Taiwanese people's self-identification to her advantage, reduce Taiwan's dependence on the mainland economy and secure the support of the US and Japan.
In this light, the international arena is likely to become a major battleground between both sides across the Taiwan Strait. The Beijing authorities have no choice but to remain on the sidelines when Tsai's administration is busy confiscating improperly acquired property and repealing controversial changes to the high school curriculum. Neither can they impose sanctions against Taiwan merchants doing business on mainland China. Seen against such a backdrop, Xi's demand that Barack Obama reiterate his objection to Taiwan's independence is a signal that the Beijing authorities are trying to limit the room for Taiwan's diplomatic manoeuvre. Beijing may or may not establish diplomatic relations with Vatican City. But it can definitely make countries with diplomatic relations with Taiwan part company with it.
兩岸冷對抗持續升溫 台國際空間或被壓縮

