2015年9月16日 星期三

警隊寫六七暴動史 切勿屈從政治壓力

<轉載自2015916 明報 社評>
警更改網頁內容 有淡化暴力之嫌
血腥暴行性質嚴重 六七暴動不能翻案

Police must not give in to political pressure

THE POLICE have updated their official webpage. The new version contains a toned-down description of the 1967 riots. Though the police stress that the amendments are not politically motivated, some basic facts of the riots have been deleted or rewritten. It seems what the police have done is more than simplification and amendment. In fact, in the old version, some of the descriptions of the riots were not relevant to the role of the police, and their inclusion was itself debatable. However, it will naturally arouse suspicions if such descriptions are rashly changed, especially if events on which society has already formed its views are toned down. Society simply cannot be indifferent to such changes. In this light, when the police did that, even if they had no political axe to grind, they acted rashly and failed to take into account the sensitivity of the issue in Hong Kong today. The police ought to have a review and make improvements in earnest.
The webpage in question is about the police's history. It outlines the changes the police have undergone, the tasks they have performed and the contributions they have made over the past 170-odd years. Such a framework means that the writer made choices of different levels as to what should be included, how events should be presented and what views should be expressed. The 1967 riots lasted around eight months. The rioters planted more than 9,000 bombs (of which 1,167 were real). The police played an important role in quelling the riots. If the police want to record the events in detail, there will certainly be no lack of materials. In the old version of the police webpage, the 1967 riots are recorded with about 600 Chinese characters. It was a sifted and highly condensed account. The old version is certainly not the whole truth although it includes some facts of and some views on the riots.
The leftist riots were conducted on a large scale. They caused heavy casualties. That shows the bloody struggles were extremely fierce. Neither the old version nor the new describes the casualties in detail. They only mention mainland militants opened fire on the border, killing five policemen and injuring nine. Neither the old version nor the new mentions that, in the riots, about 800 people were injured and 46 were killed (of whom five were policemen). They fail to mention that some rioters were beaten to death when they were in police custody or in jail. This shows both the old and the new versions of the police's history of the 1967 riots are only partial accounts that involve deliberate omissions.
Police Commissioner Steven Lo has said he is worried that certain information will be missing in the updated version of the webpage and, for that reason, a more comprehensive, "original" version of the police force's history is being compiled and will be uploaded to the website on completion. We believe the top cop's prompt reaction will stop the affair from fermenting and help end the trouble. As Steven Lo has made such a promise, it is worth our attention how the police force will write a more comprehensive and original history of itself. In fact, to avoid controversy, the police need only base their account on historical facts and write exactly what happened and what roles and functions they played in dealing with the riots. If the police give in to political pressure and alter historical records, they will certainly provoke a backlash from the mainstream of society and trigger a confrontation. The police must mind their step.
警隊寫六七暴動史 切勿屈從政治壓力


