2024年6月3日 星期一

直面歷史 撫平傷痛

<轉載自202464 明報 社評>


六四事件35周年 愛國丹心應予肯定






六四悲劇非無可避免 還原真相顯歷史擔當


Facing History Squarely

Today marks the 35th anniversary of the June Fourth Incident. 35 years ago, multitudes of citizens and students in Beijing headed to Tiananmen Square on their own initiative to mourn the death of Hu Yaobang, the former General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), expressing their opposition to speculative activities by people with a government background ( known as "official profiteering") and corruption. The situation later became complicated, and the students' behaviour was immature to a certain extent. Still, the vast majority of the people acted out of loyalty to their country with aspirations for China's progress. It was a historical tragedy that the incident ended in bloodshed.

The June Fourth incident originated from the death of Hu Yaobang on 15 April 1989. Back then, China was caught up in the competition between old and new ideological trends. The reform and opening up, which was experimental in essence, had both successes and failures. The adjustment of the ownership structure not only provided impetus for social and economic development, but also gave rise to irregularities such as official profiteering and corruption. Speculators with government backgrounds, who bought goods through official channels and made a profit by selling them, rode roughshod over the law. They took advantage of the special environment and conditions back then and chipped away at people's wealth.

Hu Yaobang, a liberal politician in ideology and governance style, was dedicated to the well-being of the people and remained uncorrupted throughout, which was in contrast with officialdom back then. His demise had widespread repercussions in society. People in Beijing headed to Tiananmen Square on their own initiative to mourn him and express their dissatisfaction with official profiteering and corruption. Later, it gradually evolved into a patriotic democratic movement spearheaded by university students who fought for political reform. Over a month or so between 15 April and 4 June, 1989, there were many opportunities to peacefully resolve the incident. Regrettably, none of these opportunities was seized.

In recent years, the authorities have emphasised that a conclusion has long been made on what happened between the spring and summer of 1989. However, looking back at history, the authorities' definition of the incident has changed from "counter-revolutionary riots" to "political turmoil". In 2021, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed a resolution to define the incident as a "serious political disturbance". The resolution mentioned "the support and incitement of hostile anti-communist and anti-socialist forces internationally", but it also reiterated that "international macroclimate" and "domestic microclimate" factors coexisted. The resolution mentioned that the CCP and the government "took an unequivocal stance against the riots and defended the power of the socialist state", but it did not directly define the incident as a "counter-revolutionary riot".

Back then, people in Beijing took to the streets out of loyalty to their country, and their patriotism should not be denied. Many of the victims of the June Fourth incident were innocent people. Even if the authorities have already made a conclusion on the "serious political disturbance", they can still restore justice to the deceased and their families.

After the Cultural Revolution, Deng Xiaoping and Hu Yaobang overturned the decisions of a large number of unjust, false and erroneous cases, and even rejected the Cultural Revolution. The Centennial Resolution even defined the Cultural Revolution as "ten years of civil strife", "the most serious setback" and "a painful lesson". The point of talking about history is to look ahead. China is stable and prosperous today with greater confidence in facing a complex international situation. The authorities actually have more room to restore the truth and heal the wounds.

直面歷史 撫平傷痛







