2024年6月3日 星期一

重典未能嚇阻貪官 監督透明效用更大

<轉載自202463 明報 社評>


煙草局多任高層「前腐後繼」 華融案主犯近年第一個伏法









重刑嚇怕基層官員不敢貪 高官不想貪問題沒有根治





Greater Transparency to Deter Corruption

HE ZEHUA, a former deputy director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration (STMA), has been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for corruption ten years after going into retirement. Even if He's sentence is commuted to life imprisonment after two years, his sentence cannot be further commuted, nor can he be released on parole. In other words, He, a 70-year-old corrupt official, will die in prison. However, efforts to make officials dare not, do not want to, and cannot be corrupt still have room for improvement.

Two days after He, a former deputy director of the STMA, was sentenced on May 29, Xu Ying, the incumbent occupant of the position, was dismissed for suspected corruption. Furthermore, Ling Chengxing, former director of the STMA who retired six years ago, was detained — also because of corruption — in October last year. He was formally arrested at the beginning of this month and is about to stand on trial.

He Zehua is accused of abusing his position to take bribes of RMB943 million between 1998 and 2023. Even after going into retirement in 2014, he still held sway and was able to influence the recruitment and promotion of personnel and tobacco business contracts, showing the seriousness of poor management and insufficient supervision of the STMA. Due to the huge sum of bribes involved, he was sentenced to death with a reprieve, with no possibility of commutation or parole.

The last official who was executed for corruption was Zheng Xiaoyu, former director of the State Food and Drug Administration. He accepted bribes and approved several drugs — six of which were later found to be bogus — for marketing. Although the bribes he accepted amounted to just over RMB6 million, he was executed in 2007 due to a public furore.

While major corruption cases and those which have resulted in death sentences have attracted widespread attention, many "small cases" are daily occurrences. According to the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisory Commission of Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, a total of 63 corrupt officials had been investigated this year as of 31 May.

Over the past four decades, the mainland has implemented comprehensive reforms, and the achievements have been remarkable. However, various new situations are constantly changing, and they call for constant reform of the system. This will inevitably introduce new rules and lead to the redistribution of power. The sheer scale and rapid speed of the reforms have given officials and cadres opportunities to take advantage of them. This is especially the case in areas and policies with large room for discretion. The mechanisms and laws to restrict officials from making personal gains have failed to keep up with the changes, which is understandable.

That the mechanism to root out corruption is not perfect does not mean that it cannot be improved. The regular mechanism of the Audit Office is effective. The Audit Office of Qingdao City, for example, has identified 221 specific problems under 79 items in the city's budget execution and fiscal revenue and expenditure last year. However, it is not transparent enough. If the government's problems can be brought to the public's attention in a more high-profile manner, the public will be aware of them and can jointly monitor the government's improvement measures. This way, not only will corruption be exposed, but the efficiency of governance will also be improved. At present, disciplinary inspection agencies have hotlines and websites to accept reports of corruption. However, a report can only be sent to the government of the same locality and rank of the person being reported. It is difficult for such a mechanism to prevent officials from shielding each other, and this also calls for review.

重典未能嚇阻貪官 監督透明效用更大








