2023年10月15日 星期日

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<轉載自20231016 明報 社評>


帶路始於中國主動輸出 收成在於投入共建互利






帶路項目有政經示範作用 硬連通與軟連通必須並行






Reaping the Harvest of the Belt and Road Initiative

IT HAS BEEN ten years since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was proposed. A grand summit forum will be held in Beijing tomorrow (17 October), and the leaders or senior officials of more than 130 countries will attend it, manifesting the popularity of the initiative.

Indeed, global political and economic leaders who are gathering in Beijing for the summit forum might be doing so out of respect for the host. However, the US has also proposed a similar initiative, proving that the BRI is a force to be reckoned with. At the G20 summit last month (September), the US announced that it would build an India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor, the so-called "Spice Route", and lined up the European Union and India to endorse the idea. Whether this is a replica of the BRI will depend on the concrete plans to be put forward. Yet, its hurried announcement is a telltale sign that the BRI has threatened the status of the economic development model traditionally dominated by the West, which has no choice but to come up with its own version to counter China's influence.

The fact that countries along the Belt and Road are sending representatives to Beijing to attend the summit, is presumably because many countries have to ask China for favours, which can be investment projects, loans or deferments of loan repayments. But more importantly, they are here to see how China will continue and expand the BRI. The representatives from over 30 international organisations want to see how the BRI model, which is a "China Plan", will lead to the further development of the world economy, and what contribution it will make to the global governance system.

After China had proposed and implemented the BRI, it attracted criticism from Western countries, which accused the BRI projects of causing a "debt crisis" to developing countries and questioned whether infrastructure projects could be profitable. They even claimed that the projects would damage the environment. In response China released the "BRI White Paper" last week, stating that BRI projects adhere to international practices and the principle of debt sustainability, and are initiated by host countries for their own economic development and improvement of people's livelihood.

In fact, the debt crisis in developing countries, which the West calls, was initially caused by Western developed countries. Compared with Western countries, China accounts for a small proportion of developing countries' debts. What Western developed countries are worried about is competition from China. Furthermore, in response to climate change, China has announced that it will no longer build new overseas coal-fired power generation projects.

Currently, many companies in Hong Kong have proactively responded to the BRI and taken the initiative to look for projects in the Middle East and ASEAN countries. They have also actively participated in providing public health projects for countries along the Belt and Road. With further deepening and extensive implementation of the BRI, new opportunities will come one after another, and they should be seized in time.

The reason why the BRI is so popular is that China does not attach any political or economic conditions to BRI projects, allowing developing countries to choose between the traditional Western model and the Chinese model. How these countries will contribute to the joint construction of the BRI in the future will depend on whether the BRI model can achieve innovation and vitality.

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