2016年4月11日 星期一

兩岸「熱和」轉「冷和」 美態度成關鍵

<轉載自2016411 明報 社評>
世情不同阿扁時代 美方態度眾說紛紜
就在上周,美國前副國務卿阿米蒂奇(Richard Armitage)訪台會晤蔡英文,稱蔡「有能力處理好兩岸關係」;而蔡則稱「未來將加強與大陸交流與溝通,致力兩岸關係和平穩定」。一般判斷,阿米蒂奇一行是「習奧會」後首個見蔡的重要美國訪客。相信美方已與蔡英文討論了「520」演講內容。台灣的觀察也分為兩派,有認為美會壓住蔡英文,不讓她搞「台獨」;也有認為,美國同樣會壓住蔡英文,不讓她接受「一中」。是耶,非耶?
蔡難認同一中內涵 承認歷史已是極限
美與兩岸三角關係 用台制衡也有紅線
那麼,這個「冷和」的時代會有多長? 端看北京自身的發展,也視蔡英文政府的承受能力,還有美國壓力以至國際形勢變幻。「熱和」無疑是符合兩岸人民共同利益,而「冷和」則是對兩岸關係的新考驗。

"Hot peace" will give way to "cold peace"

MAY 20, the day on which Tsai Eng-wen is to deliver her inaugural speech, is drawing near, and more and more have made conjectures about her cross-strait policy and tried to determine what changes it will bring about in the cross-strait situation. Former chairman of the Straits Exchange Foundation Hung Chi-chang (who has just been disenrolled by the New Tide faction of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)) has recently pointed out that, because top leaders of the Communist Party of China having to do with Taiwan have a clearer idea of what the 1992 Consensus connotes and because the Kuomintang has added fuel to the flames, in the wake of May 20, cross-strait relations (which have over the past eight years been in a period of opportunity characterised by peaceful development) will enter a "cold peace" period. [Cross-strait] political, economic and trade dealings will come to a temporary halt.
The heart of the matter is whether Tsai Eng-wen will after all acknowledge on May 20 in her inaugural speech the crucial connotation of the 1992 Consensus - that the two sides of the Strait belong to one China. Now most in the red, blue and green camps are agreed that the DPP cannot possibly acknowledge the crucial connotation even if it avoids vigorously pushing for taidu (Taiwan's independence). When Tsai said the 1992 Consensus was a fact of history, she reached the extreme limit. Once she acknowledged the crux of the 1992 Consensus - that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, what the DPP was founded on would be shaken, and her re-election would be an impossibility.
Meanwhile, many at the core of the DPP believe the world situation is unfavourable to the mainland and favourable to Taiwan. First, the US has returned to Asia-Pacific and is trying more vigorously to contain China. To the northeast of the mainland, the confrontation on the Korean Peninsula is white-hot and, to the south of it, the South China Sea disputes have kept escalating. Japan wants to set foot in the South China Sea, and the International Court of Justice at the Hague will soon hand down its ruling. Its peripheral circumstances as a whole distract Beijing. Furthermore, the DPP is convinced that Taiwanese are too pressure-resistant to surrender or acknowledge defeat under mainland pressure without putting up a fight.
What does the US actually require of Tsai? One ought to realise the triangular relations between the US and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are a variable. The mainland's bigger pressure on the US transmits to Taipei, and the US's bigger need to contain the mainland transmits to Beijing through Taipei. As it is stepping up its containment of Beijing, the US of course needs Tsai's help. But the red line must not be crossed. She must not openly advocate taidu or kowtow to Beijing. That is on the whole where the US stands. It best advances American interests in the Taiwan Strait for Taiwan to continue to play such a role as to contain Beijing suitably.
Therefore, it is extremely likely for Tsai to refuse to acknowledge the 1992 Consensus or avoid mentioning it on May 20. Conceivably, she has properly braced herself for dealing with the sanctions the mainland is certain to impose against Taiwan. The mainland may, for example, suspend established institutionalised mechanisms for discussion and channels for formal communication, cut economic measures beneficial to Taiwan and even begin to lure away countries having diplomatic relations with Taiwan (of which only a few remain). Nevertheless, since Beijing's general strategy towards Taiwan is based on winning hearts there, it is believable that it will avoid directly affecting ordinary people on the island even if it imposes severe sanctions against it after May 20.
Then, how long will the "cold peace" era span? That depends on Beijing's development, the Tsai administration's resistance to pressure, pressure from the US and even changes in the world situation. "Hot peace" is doubtless in mainlanders' and Taiwanese's common interests, and "cold peace" is a new test pertaining to cross-strait relations.
兩岸「熱和」轉「冷和」 美態度成關鍵

那麼,這個「冷和」的時代會有多長? 端看北京自身的發展,也視蔡英文政府的承受能力,還有美國壓力以至國際形勢變幻。「熱和」無疑是符合兩岸人民共同利益,而「冷和」則是對兩岸關係的新考驗。

