2021年7月1日 星期四

開創未來安內攘外 中國重塑國際秩序

 <轉載自202172 明報 社評>


克服內外阻力求復興 習演說對外措辭強硬








西方不再等於國際社會 港人看世界視角要多元


Xi Jinping's speech lays out China's attempt to reshape the global order

In the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s celebration of its centenary, its general secretary Xi Jinping delivered a speech at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. He stressed the need to ''learn from history and create a future'' so that China can make strides on the road to becoming a fully modern socialist power. In his speech, Xi emphasised that external forces would not be allowed to bully the Chinese people. He said China must be united, get wealthy and strengthen its armed forces. The sharp and tough rhetoric conveys the clear message: ''If others do not offend me, I will not offend others.''

Xi made four ''solemn declarations'' to the world, and put forward nine expositions based on ''learning from history and creating a future''. To put it simply, the four so-called ''solemn declarations'' are that the Chinese nation will no longer be at the mercy of others or be bullied by others, that socialism can save and rejuvenate the nation, that reform and opening up is the key to the nation's destiny, and that national rejuvenation has become an irreversible historical process. As for the nine expositions of ''creating a future'', apart from the unswerving adherence to socialism with Chinese characteristics and party leadership, they also include the strict governance of the party, the strengthening of the unity of the people, the acceleration of the building of stronger armed forces through science and technology, and the continued facilitation of the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The CCP has set the ''Two Centenaries'' goals, the second of which is to build a fully modern socialist power. This would transform China from a developing country into a developed country. On the Chinese nation's path to national rejuvenation, corruption is the biggest threat. The strict governance of the party and the uniting of the people are aimed at tackling internal resistance. The strengthening of the armed forces through science and technology and the promotion of the building of a community with a shared future for mankind are aimed at tackling the situation outside China.

Xi Jinping stated that the Chinese people ''will never allow any external forces to bully, oppress, or enslave them'', saying that ''whoever arrogantly dares entertain the idea of doing these things will surely have their heads broken and bleeding in front of the great steel wall built by the flesh and blood of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people''. Xi also said that any attempts to drive a wedge between the CCP and the people ''will never succeed''. Such tough rhetoric has to do with China's century-long weakness. It is also a stern warning to external forces trying to obstruct China's rejuvenation.

In recent years, China's diplomacy has ceased to be about ''hiding its strengths and biding its time''. It has instead become increasingly aggressive and assertive. Not only does China refuse to listen to the US and other countries preaching at it, but it has also dredged up the past of these countries. Such an approach is regarded by some as unwise or even a step backward to the ''anti-US imperialism'' rhetoric of Mao Zedong's era. Recently, China and the US have crossed swords in different international diplomatic arenas. A situation that has occurred frequently is the US putting pressure on China together with allies and China lining up another bunch of countries to refute the US's claims and even speak ill of the US. China's Belt and Road Initiative is an attempt to encourage different parts of the country to build different economic circles or zones with their neighbouring countries or even remote countries so that they will no longer rely on a global order led by the West. It is, in fact, a reshaping of economic globalisation.

開創未來安內攘外 中國重塑國際秩序






