2017年2月21日 星期二


<轉載自2017221 明報 社評>
辱警罪立法問題多 警隊應避政治紛爭
香港警務督察協會與香港警察隊員佐級協會將在明日的特別代表大會上,交代七警獄中情况及支援籌款工作,並讓與會前線同事暢所欲言。據了解,七警定罪判刑後,警隊內部出現躁動,不少警務人員不滿要長期忍受政治化的批評和攻擊,「將忍受侮辱當作保持專業的一部分」,有人要求發起燭光晚會或大遊行,甚至有激進者要求全面杯葛司法機構,為此兩個警員協會認為,應當讓前線同事表達怨氣,要求管理層採取措施重建警隊士氣,設立辱警罪正是主張之一。 警務督察協會主席李占安便提到辱警罪討論多時,並非始於七警案,很多國家亦有類似法例,保障警員執法時得到尊重和不會受辱,雖然是否推行仍要收集意見,但是協會歡迎警員提出討論。
在美國,以不文手勢或粗言穢語指罵警察,原則上並不觸犯法例,除非牽涉到所謂「挑釁言論」(fighting words),帶有挑釁警員打鬥的意味,才會因為違反《擾亂和平條例》而被捕。其實,香港現有的《公安條例》亦有類似條文,訂明任何人在公眾地方作出擾亂秩序行為,「或使用恐嚇性、辱罵性或侮辱性的言詞」,「相當可能會導致社會安寧破壞」,即屬犯罪。無論從保障人權還是法律觀點看,制訂辱警法是否有必要,令人懷疑。
侮辱法官突顯撕裂 社會盼冷靜非挑撥

Police force's dignity
THE SEVEN POLICE OFFICERS who beat Ken Tsang up during the "occupation" have been sentenced to two years in prison. Two police associations are to hold tomorrow a joint representative meeting, at which front-line officers will be invited to air their views. It is expected to be discussed at that meeting whether it is feasible to make it a statutory offence to insult a police officer.
In Hong Kong, where people enjoy free speech, no sensible discussion should be ruled out. It may help vent police officers' resentment to make it an offence to insult a police officer. However, society being divided and the social atmosphere being as it is now, this move may, instead of helping improve the police force's dignity, actually plunge it into a whirlpool of fierce political dispute, add fuel to the flame of antagonism and lay it more open to political attacks. There are not a few difficulties with legislating against insulting police officers. One of them is how the offence should be defined. For example, does it amount to an insult to a police officer to doubt the way he enforces the law or make to him a rude gesture?
In fact, the Public Order Ordinance expressly provides, "Any person who in any public place behaves in a noisy or disorderly manner or uses... threatening, abusive or insulting words... whereby a breach of the peace is likely to be caused shall be guilty of an offence...." It is doubtful that Hong Kong needs to legislate against insulting police officers whether from the perspective of protecting human rights or from that of law.
True, police officers must get reasonably respected before they can effectively enforce the law and maintain law and order. A citizen unhappy with a police officer should file a complaint against him through the proper channels instead of resorting to malicious provocation. However, when they enforce the law, police officers must strictly abide by the law and be impartial lest they should fall into a political whirlpool.
Over the past few days, all sorts of comments have been made about the seven police officers' conviction and the sentences they received. The Secretary for Justice has stressed it is not right to bash judges maliciously and called on citizens to respect the judiciary's independence, but strong, emotional rhetoric about judges has not ceased. The other day, slogans containing words insulting to judges were seen at some police supporters' rally. Society has become more and more sharply divided in the territory over the past few years, and the tendency towards insulting judges and showing contempt for the judiciary seems to have worsened. Judges have even been threatened. For example, Deputy Magistrate Michael Chan of Tuen Mun Court revealed the year before last he had been threatened because he had found a woman who had protested against parallel trading guilty of assaulting a police officer. The evil tendency towards insulting judges is evidence that a handful of people put politics first, concern themselves solely with "contradictions between ourselves and the enemy" and can no longer look at court rulings fairly or sensibly. That has everything to do with the social atmosphere of politicisation that exists in Hong Kong now. The evil tendency towards insulting judges ought to be curbed. What society needs in Hong Kong is greater calm, sensibleness and restraint rather than more provocation or more political sensationalisation.

