2013年5月9日 星期四

建制議員應撫心自問 勿阻撓查湯顯明事件

<轉載自201359日 明報 社評>  
處理湯顯明事件 應讓建制派良心投票



Does Pro-Establishment Mean Pro-Corruption?

THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL has set up a select committee to look into former ICAC Commissioner Timothy Tong Hin-ming's inappropriate entertainment activities and his practice of giving and receiving gifts. Will the committee's investigation bear fruit? The answer lies largely in the hands of the pro-establishment lawmakers.
With the media gradually bringing to light Tong's irregular practices during his tenure, neither Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying nor pro-establishment lawmakers have the nerve to say that those were regular practices. However, while they reiterate the importance of public integrity, they all seem to think otherwise. This can be seen most clearly in their opposition to the most effective way of investigation: the formation of an independent committee to look into the matter. Leung said they are taking a three-pronged approach. The fact, however, is that the powers of the Legislative Council's Public Accounts Committee are severely limited as it can only look into what is mentioned in the audit report. The ICAC is also said to be investigating the matter, but the credibility of such an internal investigation is questionable. As for the Independent Review Committee, its duty is to improve regulatory mechanisms rather than look into wrongdoings. The government is evidently not intent on finding out the facts.

Under the watchful eye of the government and the pro-establishment camp, lawmakers Dennis Kwok Wing-hang and Cyd Ho Sau-lan, invoking the Rules of Procedure, petitioned the Legislative Council for the establishment of a select committee to probe Tong's case. The petition was granted when 25 pro-democracy lawmakers endorsed it by getting to their feet. However, the effective operation of the committee will not be possible without the cooperation of the pro-establishment camp. For the committee must seek the Legislative Council's approval if it wants to summon any witness to give evidence. Judging by the way the pro-establishment lawmakers have routinely rejected the motions put forward by the pro-democrats, it is unlikely that this time the two sides will be able to work in unison.

No pro-establishment lawmaker stood up in support of Ho and Kwok's petition, which can be taken to mean that they disapproved of it. But when in accordance with regulations the select committee was to be established, pro-establishment lawmakers immediately vowed to join it. They are clearly bent on securing a dominant role in the committee so that nothing "untoward" may happen. A tug of war in the inquiry process can be expected.

Hong Kong
looks to the ICAC to safeguard its core value of public integrity. Now, however, the ICAC is deteriorating into corruption. This is one of the most important things that have happened in Hong Kong since its handover 16 years ago. If the case is not properly handled and the ICAC is not brought back to the right track, Hong Kong is doomed. The city not only will lose its lead in economic power and infrastructure development, but will perish spiritually.

Those in the pro-establishment camp should ask themselves: What are lawmakers for? Have they no better job to do than to support corruption? We would like to remind them that political interests acquired at the cost of one's soul are nothing when compared with the crucial issue of anti-corruption in
Hong Kong. We hope they will choose a course of action worthy of themselves as well as of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong public. Indeed, if the pro-establishment lawmakers believe that Tong and other ICAC officials have done nothing irregular or illegal, they should have nothing to fear from a thorough investigation. But if they see clearly that Tong and other ICAC officials may have violated the law and so try to cover up for them despite the voice of conscience, why should they continue to serve as lawmakers?

2013.05.09﹕建制議員應撫心自問 勿阻撓查湯顯明事件







