2013年5月7日 星期二

「廉政門」含混過關 廉潔價值將花果飄零

<轉載自201357日 明報 社評>  





專人打點飲宴送禮收禮 廉署浪費資源荒廢正事




Clean government is at stake

FORMER ICAC Commissioner Timothy Tong was involved not only in improper entertainment and gift-making. We understand that, in the five years when he headed the ICAC, he and the Commission received about 450 gifts, of which some were worth more than the highest permissible value. There is a suspicion that he failed to apply to the Chief Executive (CE) for permission as required. He might have violated the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.
Gift-taking often yields clues useful to ICAC officers investigating corruption cases. It is incompatible with its role and nature that the ICAC received valuable gifts so frequently under Timothy Tong's leadership. A civil servant may not retain a gift without the permission of the head of his department or the permanent secretary of his bureau. The ICAC Commissioner may not do so without the CE's permission. We gather many of the gifts Timothy Tong received were maotai or XO cognac, of which a bottle usually costs more than $1,000. There is a suspicion that he failed to apply to the CE for permission. If that is the case, he broke a rule - acted in contravention of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.
As this newspaper has continually reported, Timothy Tong overspent on entertainment and improperly made gifts. He and the ICAC accepted valuable gifts so frequently that one may doubt whether such reciprocal dealings were normal or had to do with business. We gather that, in February last year, officials of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (LOCPG) invited Timothy Tong to meet them in the evening the day after the ICAC had decided to probe into allegations that Donald Tsang (who was then CE) had enjoyed some tycoons' hospitality. As that was a sensitive moment, many ICAC officers whispered about it. There is of course no evidence that any LOCPG officials inquired about the case or he gave them any information on it. Therefore, it is impossible to ascertain whether any harm was done. However, what the ICAC does is none of the LOCPG's business. Timothy Tong might have failed to avoid doing what might arouse suspicions at that sensitive moment because he was not circumspect. In that case, one may say he made an inadvertent mistake. However, if LOCPG officials made it their business to inquire about any case or Timothy Tong made it his to report to them, one may say the interactions between him and them were of a dubious nature.
The irregular or even illegal acts in connection with the ICAC-gate involved not just Timothy Tong alone. We gather that his lieutenants took care of things for him and a number of officers of the Hong Kong Mainland Liaison Office of the Community Relations Department made arrangements for his and Director of Community Relations Julie Mu's entertainment, gift-making and visits to other places. The ICAC should act as a major goalkeeper. It is supposed to safeguard clean government, an extremely important part of Hong Kong's core values. However, it has spent some of its precious resources on its leading officers' wining, dining and other pleasures. Nothing is more wasteful or obstructive to its proper business than that.
The only way to set the wheels in motion now is for the Legislative Council to set up a committee to look into the matter under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance. Establishmentarian legislators are against doing so. However, they ought to look at the affair from a macroscopic perspective. If citizens no longer have confidence in the ICAC and can no longer take clean government for granted, Hong Kong will sink even lower. We hope legislators will, having regard to its fundamental interests, abandon their prejudices and do Hong Kong a good turn.
明報社評 2013.05.07﹕「廉政門」含混過關 廉潔價值將花果飄零


