2013年5月3日 星期五

梁振英對「廉政門」 高高舉起輕輕放下

<轉載自201353日 明報 社評>
性質嚴重竟不採取法定調查 所謂檢討卻抓不到癢處








政府不正本清源 無助重建廉潔信心




CHIEF EXECUTIVE Leung Chun-ying has announced his decision to set up an independent review committee (IRC) to look into Timothy Tong's improper gift-making and overspending on entertainment. On the face of it, the government intends decisively to put the ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) in order. However, a perusal of the IRC's composition and terms of reference shows that it will only wallow in the mire of the ICAC's rules and procedures. Citizens hoped the government would help refurbish the ICAC's image by holding the culprits liable. The arrangement clearly falls short of their expectations.
The IRC has no power to ascertain facts or summon those implicated, and its meetings are not required to be open to the public. Its powers and functions do not compare with an independent inquiry committee's. Much has emerged in relation to the Timothy Tong affair that shows the ICAC's systems have been seriously undermined. Its impartiality is now open to question, as is its incorruptibility. Clean government is part of Hong Kong's core values, which citizens very much cherish. Much is at stake, but the government has decided against setting up a high-level independent inquiry. Are we to suppose it considers the ICAC's incorruptibility less important than the Hong Kong Harbour Fest (which cost $100 million)? That is very baffling indeed.

The committee Leung Chun-ying has set up is largely similar to that which Donald Tsang appointed to look into the way he had given himself permission to accept gifts and enjoy hospitality. Such committees aim at glossing over misconduct in the name of improving rules and procedures. The only difference is that, whereas Donald Tsang put former Chief Justice Andrew Li (who has an independent image) in charge of the review, Leung Chun-ying does not even bother about apparent independence. We believe the IRC aims at circumventing crucial issues, and there are suspicions that it wants to play the affair down.

Leung Chun-ying said that the ICAC had received complaints about Timothy Tong and would discharge its statutory duties, that the Public Accounts Committee of the Legislative Council would hold a hearing, and that the IRC's effort would be complementary to the two bodies'. Thanks to the limitations of the Director of Audit's reports, the Public Accounts Committee cannot possibly unravel the whole truth. If by "discharge its statutory duties" Leung Chun-ying means "probe into the case", will the "self-investigation" yield the truth? The government must answer this question.

There is ample evidence that, when he was ICAC commissioner, Timothy Tong acted improperly with the cooperation of other ICAC officers rather than on his own - that his improper acts were organised acts of a "team" he headed. Conceivably, the officers involved still wield power and discharge what Leung Chun-ying calls duties. Will they find themselves to have taken part in what is improper or even illegal and ask that they be brought to justice? As ICAC investigators are secretive as a rule, the ICAC is not required to make its findings public. Therefore, there is no way the public can get to know the truth.

What has happened in relation to the Timothy Tong affair has lost citizens their confidence in clean government. The government ought to get to the root of the problem. It ought to hold the culprits liable and weed out what may breed corruption in the ICAC. Only if it does so will people again be confident that the ICAC can safeguard clean government. However, it has instead done what would help play the scandal down, arousing suspicions that it has tried to allow those who have taken part in what is improper or even illegal to get away with it. This is the most impolitic thing Leung Chun-ying has done since he became Chief Executive ten months ago. When he ran for the office, he pledged to bring about change. That pledge now appears to be no more than a slogan or a fond misunderstanding.

2013.05.03梁振英對「廉政門」 高高舉起輕輕放下







