2012年10月4日 星期四

長者生活津貼政策 必須堅持申報資產

<轉載自2012年10月4日 明報 社評>
政客民粹派錢 納稅人埋單
曾蔭權民粹死路一條 梁振英政府勿蹈覆轍



Means Test Is a Must

THE GOVERNMENT has put forward a plan for an enhanced Old Age Allowance of $2,200 for qualified seniors aged 70 or above. However, the pro-democracy camp and the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions of the establishmentarian camp are both opposed to the means test contemplated in the plan.
When running for Chief Executive, Leung Chun-ying proposed in his election manifesto a special "fruit money" for seniors. He is now keeping his election promise. According to this enhanced Old Age Allowance plan, as Leung calls it, a senior citizen aged 65 or above will be entitled to $2,200 a month, subject to a means test, which will include an income cap of HK$6,600 a month and an asset limit of HK$186,000 for one person. This means test is not only reasonable but also liberal since living allowances received from one's children, relatives, and friends will not be taken into account, and a self-occupied property will not be counted as one's assets. According to official estimates, if the plan is approved by the Legislative Council, it will entail an additional expenditure of $6 billion a year, and about 400,000 seniors will benefit.

There are at present 680,000 people aged 70 or above. According to the Census and Statistics Department's Hong Kong Population Projections, as the population continues to age, the number will increase to 922,000 in 2020 (12 percent of the population), and 1.511 million in 2030 (18 percent of the population). The government's estimates are that, of those aged 70 or above who are receiving "fruit money", 60 to 80 percent will be entitled to the enhanced Old Age Allowance. At present, this means an annual expenditure of about $8.2 billion. If however there is no means test, an additional $3.5 billion will be needed, which will increase to around $4.8 billion in 2020, and around $7.8 billion in 2030. And scholars have come up with the estimate that, by 2039, there will be around 1.965 million people aged 70 or above. If there is no means test for the enhanced Old Age Allowance, an additional expenditure of $26.2 billion will be needed (inflation not factored in). Assuming that the number of taxpayers by then is three million, each of them will have to pay an extra $8,700.

It can be seen from this that an enhanced Old Age Allowance plan with no means test will impose a crushing financial burden on the government. With its low and simple taxation regime,
Hong Kong simply cannot afford that extra expenditure.

There are those who argue that subjecting those aged 70 or above to a means test runs contrary to the principle of "respect for the elderly", which underlies the "fruit money" scheme. Such an argument is misleading. According to the government's plan, if those aged 65 or above do not qualify for an enhanced Old Age Allowance, they can still receive their "fruit money". In other words, the "fruit money" scheme will remain un
changed. As for those who qualify, they will receive $2,200 a month, which is not "fruit money". The new plan is designed to help those in need.

Legislators of the pro-democracy camp are threatening to vote down the government's application for the new plan's funding approval unless the proposed means test is withdrawn. It is unreasonable and irresponsible of them to do this in order to win favour with some voters in wanton disregard of the limited resources available.

As for the government, it must insist on the imposition of a means test for the enhanced Old Age Allowance, and must not concede to the opposition's demand even if the funding approval is voted down. After all, the government should take care of the long-term interests of
Hong Kong as a whole rather than sacrifice Hong Kong's interests to win public favour for itself.

2012.10.04﹕長者生活津貼政策 必須堅持申報資產








