2012年10月29日 星期一

長津討論 哪個民主派政黨為中產者說話?

<轉載自20121029日 明報 社評>

1. 信奉民主自由法治,堅持社會公義;
2. 認同社會制度應鼓勵人民發憤向上、自力更生;
3. 相信但不迷信市場,認同社會制度有缺陷,痛恨壟斷霸權,弱勢社群不代表失敗者,社會應伸出援手扶助弱勢;
4. 稅款應用得其所,例如幫助真正有需要的弱勢社群,但反對大鑊飯,反對不分貧富胡亂派錢浪費公帑。



熱愛民主的中產人士,在長津討論中,竟然沒有一個心儀的政黨能說出他們的心聲。諷刺的是,他們一向嗤之以鼻的建制派功能組別,卻能道出他們的憂慮。難道民主的必然後果就是西方政治所謂的tax and spend(只懂加稅然後亂派錢)?


Is the Middle Class Represented by the Pro-democracy Parties?
IN THE DEBATE over the old age living allowance scheme, many in the middle class cannot but feel disappointed with the pro-democracy parties. Indeed, with their clear stand against the waiving of the proposed means test, lawmakers from functional constituencies and the establishmentarian camp are this time representing the views of the middle class. Middle-class people believe in democracy and will not easily go over to the establishmentarian camp. However, if they continue to feel that the pan-democrats in the Legislative Council do not represent them, the pro-democracy parties - and especially the Civic Party and the Democratic Party - will eventually suffer losses at the ballot box.
Hong Kong has a working population of about 3.8 million, under half of whom - or fewer than 1.6 million - are taxpayers. The middle class, which constitutes a large proportion of the taxpayers, generally shares the following characteristics:
(1) They believe in democracy, freedom, the rule of law, and social justice;
(2) They support a social system that encourages people to be self-reliant and work for a better future for themselves;
(3) They believe in but do not worship blindly the market, which means that while they fully realise the inadequacies of the social system and detest the monopoly of the rich and powerful, they agree that help should be extended to the underprivileged, who should not be regarded as social failures;
(4) They believe that money raised in taxation should be spent on good causes, such as helping the really underprivileged, and are opposed to the indiscriminate doling out of public money regardless of need.

With regard to the old age living allowance scheme, the public is agreed that financial assistance should be extended to truly needy seniors. Differences, however, arise as to whether there should be a means test. Waiving the means test is no less than an indiscriminate doling out of public money, which violates the principle of prudent public spending, is a waste of taxpayers' money, and can cause harm to future generations. After all, because of the aging population, it is unlikely that an old age living allowance scheme that does not operate a means test can be sustained for long without leading to upward pressure on taxes. The Civic Party and the Democratic Party have always been regarded as political parties representative of the interests of the middle class, yet their stands on the old age living allowance issue are disappointing: the Democratic Party says there should be no means test for those aged 70 or above, while the Civic Party refuses to support the government unless it comes up with a timetable for introducing a universal retirement protection scheme.

There are establishmentarian political parties in Hong Kong that are pro-grassroots or pro-middle class (such as the New People's Party), while the pro-democracy political parties are essentially pro-grassroots. In the present debate over the old age living allowance scheme, we do not see a single political party that is dedicated to both democracy and middle-class values.

It is ironic that, in this ongoing debate, middle class people dedicated to democracy find that their views are represented not by the political parties they have always supported, but by lawmakers from functional constituencies and the establishmentarian camp. Does the development of democracy always go hand in hand with what the West calls "tax and spend"?

Many in the middle class who crave democracy feel unhappy and frustrated because their views on the old age living allowance are not represented by the pro-democracy parties. It is too early to say what effect this will have on Hong Kong's political arena. But if the pro-democracy parties continue along the road of populism and ignore the opinions of the middle class, they may even lose the support they have always enjoyed.

2012.10.29﹕長津討論 哪個民主派政黨為中產者說話?


1. 信奉民主自由法治,堅持社會公義;
2. 認同社會制度應鼓勵人民發憤向上、自力更生;
3. 相信但不迷信市場,認同社會制度有缺陷,痛恨壟斷霸權,弱勢社群不代表失敗者,社會應伸出援手扶助弱勢;
4. 稅款應用得其所,例如幫助真正有需要的弱勢社群,但反對不分貧富胡亂派錢浪費公帑。



tax and spend(只懂加稅然後亂派錢)?


