2012年10月18日 星期四

土地運用厚待原居民 不利解決香港房屋問題

<轉載自20121018日 明報 社評>






Land Use
YESTERDAY Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying talked about his ideas of government in the legislative chamber. He touched upon many relationships and many questions, declaring, "We ought to use two years to arrest the tendency towards slow social development and use three years to return it to the upward trend." He emphasised that the government ought to try its utmost to deal with serious, deep-rooted problems in four areas - housing, poverty, population ageing and the environment - so as to determine tentatively the direction of Hong Kong's social development.
The Leung administration has remained quite unpopular since it was sworn in, but it has done what deserves recognition. The following is an example. Social workers have long demanded that the government set a poverty line. Leung has now declared it will set a poverty line that appears creditable to the rest of the world and acceptable to society so that it will have an accurate understanding of poverty in the territory. This would help the government orient its policies and go some way towards alleviating poverty.

However, it is most disappointing that the government has yet to come up with any plan to deal with the property market problem, which is a grave public concern. Yesterday Leung said property prices and rents were way out of line with citizens' purchasing power and the government would take short-, mid- and long-term measures to tackle this problem, but he was less than specific. When he delivers his first policy address (in three months), he ought to tell the public what the government will actually do.

Yesterday Leung described housing as the most important of the government's important tasks. Citizens have high expectations of him. Many believe the crux of the problem is that demand has outstripped supply and its root cause is that land is in short supply. But is this the case? A reason why we have asked this question is that, though 2,000 hectares of Frontier Closed Area (FCA) land will become available, the places where housing can be produced will cover only 110 hectares. The rest will be reserved for "greening" and conservation. Furthermore, all the FCA land for housing development will be used for "rural development" - for building indigenous New Territories (NT) inhabitants' small houses. While it says land is scarce, the government is awfully generous towards indigenous NT inhabitants. This being the case, people cannot but doubt the government would put land to good use. Is the government so excessively eager to look after indigenous NT inhabitants' interests that it would sacrifice other Hong Kong citizens'? In dealing with the important question of land use, how does it propose to strike a balance conducive to Hong Kong's overall and long-term development?

"Flat ripping" is another thorny problem of housing. Hong Kong calls itself a sophisticated world city, but government statistics show as many as 35,000 households (about 71,000 people) live in subdivided or partitioned flats. Their living conditions are extremely poor. "Ripped flat" cubicles are seen as a shame to Hong Kong as squatter settlements were. In our view, the government has a duty to end flat subdivision in a specified number of years (as the Hong Kong British government had all squatter dwellings demolished with great determination) so as to improve citizens' basic living conditions.

2012.10.18﹕土地運用厚待原居民 不利解決香港房屋問題





