<轉載自2013年5月13日 明報 社評>
少年弱智,則中國弱智。高等教育是學校正規教育的最高階段,也是社會理性探討的合適平台。中國古代就有「大學之道,在明明德,在親民,在止於至善」之說,「士志於道」,即追求真理,是中國大學精神的千年根基;在現代,大學自治和學術自由是大學制度的兩塊基石,其實質是鼓勵師生自由、自主、自律地追求真理與探究學術。大學不僅要對現在負責,更要義不容辭地擔當起為整個國家和社會的未來負責的重任。大學不僅要順應社會、服務社會,更應該要有獨立的品格、自由的思想和深邃的理性。現代大學之母柏林洪堡大學(Humboldt-Universitat)的創辦人洪堡(Wilhelm von Humboldt)即提出:「學術自由觀念是大學的核心。」中國《教師法》在第7條也寫明,教師的權利包括「在學術活動中充分發表意見」。由此可見,「七不講」不僅與中國傳統及現代大學的普遍原則格格不入,也違反了中國現行的法律規定。
Gag Order Inimical to China
ACCORDING TO a number of university teachers in mainland China, the authorities have recently issued instructions to all institutions of higher learning, telling teachers not to discuss with students seven topics, namely universal values, freedom of the press, a civic society, civic rights, historical mistakes made by the Communist Party, elite cronyism, and judicial independence. While this gag order has not been officially confirmed, it has become a sensitive search item blocked on Sina Weibo. This is really disturbing.
The ancient Chinese believed in the "Great Learning, which involves the promotion of virtue, the renovation of the people, and the quest for excellence". The ancient saying "a scholar's mind is set on truth" shows that the search for the good and the beautiful has for more than a thousand years been the cornerstone of China's higher education. Today, institutional autonomy and academic freedom are the two major foundation stones of the university system, and serve to encourage teachers and students in their quest for truth and knowledge. The university not only is accountable to the present generation, but also has the important moral responsibility of working for the future of the country and the people. As Wilhelm von Humboldt, founder of Berlin's Humboldt University, said, "Academic freedom is the core value of the University" - and his university is the mother of all modern universities. Article 7 of the Teachers Law of China also states that teachers' rights include the right to "fully express their views in academic activities". It can thus be seen that the gag order not only is at variance with China's traditional values and the general principles of a modern university, but also violates the law currently in force in China.
Of the "seven topics not to discuss", universal values, freedom of the press, and civic rights are held dear by the absolute majority of the world's population, while elite cronyism is naturally against the principles of socialism. And historical mistakes made by the Communist Party, ranging from the Great Leap Forward to the Cultural Revolution, cannot possibly be taboo issues since they are included in the syllabus of the Party History course taught at universities. As for judicial independence, the Constitution of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that the courts and procuratorates shall exercise their powers independently, "and are not subject to interference by any administrative organ, public organisation or individual". Finally, while the term "civic society" is open to different interpretations, there is no reason why discussions in this respect should be forbidden. On the contrary, as a platform for academic and objective research, the university is the best place for the exploration of the topic.
In March this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping talked about the China Dream at the closing session of the National People's Congress, saying that "the China dream is, in the last analysis, the people's dream, the achievement of which depends very much on the people.... We must always listen to the people and respond to their expectations, guarantee their right to equal participation and development, and maintain social justice...." As the people today have their eyes and ears wide open, the gag order can in no way contribute to social harmony and stability. In fact, it is in direct contradiction to the China Dream. We are therefore of opinion that, if the "gag order" rumour is unfounded, the authorities should immediately make the necessary clarifications; and if it is well founded, the central government should have the order revoked as soon as possible.