2013年10月9日 星期三

「不為別人過錯道歉」 菲總統有雙重標準

<轉載自 2013109日 明報 社評>


阿基諾三世歸咎槍手殺人 調查報告指官員闖禍



德利馬的報告批評林雯洛未按法規要求成立及運作危機管理委員會,導致沒有情報蒐集、沒有心理專家、沒有媒體管理,又錯誤下令拘捕槍手弟弟,激怒槍手,甚至在關鍵時刻去了吃飯而使指揮陷於真空等,情節極其荒謬,被認為是導致事件以血腥悲劇終結的主要原因。當時菲國傳媒曾報道,報告原本建議刑事起訴林雯洛,但是經阿基諾三世改動之後,只把林雯洛「交內政部就其失當及失職作行政處分」, 其他一些官員的處分亦獲減緩,使問責變為卸責。



菲軍殺台漁民 菲警害死港人 阿基諾三世欺軟怕硬

另外,菲律賓人真的不會為了別人的過錯而道歉?事實並非如此。今年5月發生的台灣漁船「廣大興事件」,菲國船艦指廣大興越界捕魚,追捕之下,漁民洪石成雖然躲在船艙,仍然被菲國軍人亂槍射殺。台灣當局高調強硬應對,先後推出兩輪制裁,包括停止輸入菲國外勞等,最終迫使菲律賓讓步。事發後約3個月,馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處(MECO)理事主席培瑞斯到台灣,就事件代表阿基諾三世親赴屏東向洪石成家屬就洪家痛失親人的不幸,表達菲律賓總統及人民深切遺憾與歉意(deep regret and apology)。



Aquino's double standards

AT his meeting with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III in Bali, Indonesia, Chief Executive (CE) Leung Chun-ying talked about the Manila hostage incident, in which some Hong Kong citizens were killed. Aquino flatly refused to apologise. Nevertheless, Leung and the SAR government have continued to concern themselves with the matter and, owing to that meeting, Hong Kong and Philippine top officials will continue to discuss it. Though one should not pin high hopes on their talks, the situation may take a turn as long as the two sides remain in touch with each other. Therefore, Leung and the SAR government deserve commendation for their efforts.

Aquino said it was against the Philippine culture to apologise for another's fault. In the case of the Manila hostage incident, the party at fault is supposed to be Rolando Mendoza, the gunman who took Hong Kong visitors hostage. Even if that culture exists in the Philippines, what Aquino said is suspect. In the incident, eight Hong Kong citizens were killed, and seven others injured. Mendoza was of course to blame. However, many Hong Kong citizens were killed or injured mainly because the officials in charge were obstinate and self-willed and the police officers who directed the rescue operation made grave mistakes.

Is it true that Filipino people do not apologise for another's fault? No, it isn't. In May this year a Philippine Coast Guard petrol boat chased after Guang Da Xing, a Taiwan fishing boat said to have entered Philippine waters. Fisherman Hong Shi-cheng was shot to death though he hid in a cabin. Adopting a high profile and taking a tough stance on the issue, the Taiwan government imposed two rounds of sanctions against the Philippines. For example, Taiwan stopped taking in domestic helpers from the country. It eventually managed to compel the country to give in. Three months after the incident had happened, Manila Economic and Cultural Office director Amadeo Perez Jr went as Aquino's envoy to Pingtung, Taiwan, to offer Hong's family his condolences on their sad bereavement and convey to them the Philippine president's and people's deep regret and apology.

By the logic Aquino used when he talked about the Manila hostage incident, it had nothing to do with him that Philippine officers shot Hong to death. It was those officers that were at fault. Why then did he have his envoy go to Taiwan to convey his "deep regret and apology"? Eight Hong Kong citizens died in the Manila hostage incident. They were killed after much suffering in the coach because Philippine police officers were incompetent. Hong Kong people were greatly shocked when they saw on television their fellow citizens helplessly struggle amid hails of bullets. The Manila hostage incident was so horrendous that it certainly impacted on Hong Kong people no less severely than the Guang Da Xing incident did on Taiwan people. However, though Taiwan deserved Aquino's apology, Hong Kong should not be treated similarly. Why? The reason is that Aquino applies double standards. Than that there is no better answer.

At his audience with President Xi Jinping in Bali, Leung mentioned to him the hostage incident. According to the CE, Xi has instructed the authorities concerned to follow the matter up. Hong Kong has not taken a tough stand on the hostage incident as Taiwan did on the Guang Da Xing incident because it must have regard to Sino-Philippine relations. There is no denying that. However, if the Philippines takes such advantage of this factor that Hong Kong is denied what it should have, the central authorities should find other ways to help it to get justice, end the matter and remove what may impede the improvement of Sino-Philippine or Hong Kong-Philippine relations. The families of the victims demand that the Philippine government do four things - apologise, pay compensation, punish the culprits and see that no similar things will happen. Their demands are just and reasonable. We believe Beijing can better make Aquino alter his stance if it adopts a carrot and stick approach.

明報社評 2013.10.09﹕「不為別人過錯道歉」 菲總統有雙重標準



另外,菲律賓人真的不會為了別人的過錯而道歉?事實並非如此。今年5月發生的台灣漁船「廣大興事件」,菲國船艦指廣大興越界捕魚,追捕之下,漁民洪石成雖然躲在船艙,仍然被菲國軍人亂槍射殺。台灣當局高調強硬應對,先後推出兩輪制裁,包括停止輸入菲國外勞等,最終迫使菲律賓讓步。事發後約3個月,馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處(MECO)理事主席培瑞斯到台灣,就事件代表阿基諾三世親赴屏東向洪石成家屬就洪家痛失親人的不幸,表達菲律賓總統及人民深切遺憾與歉意(deep regret and apology)。



