2012年11月5日 星期一

只靠市場無法減收費 積金局推ETF強力介入

<轉載自2012115日 明報 社評>

期望商界自動減費 遙遙無期不切實際




本報上周五報道,積金局董事會正研究改革方案,建議政府成立公營、非牟利的強積金公共受託機構(public trustee),提供一系列「簡單、安全、低收費」的強積金計劃產品,作為強積金行業的基準,推動業界推出低收費的同類產品,亦為打工族提供安全港(safe harbour)。由於目前強積金受託機構以商業運作,以追求最大利潤為目標,欠缺為公眾提供簡單安全而低收費的退休金投資產品的誘因,積金局的改革方向正好刺中問題核心,從公眾利益而非商業利益的角度出發,設計強積金產品,為市場增添選擇,亦可藉此迫使商業機構減費。



根據調查公司的數據,截至1018日,47隻港股基金中,今年回報能跑贏恒指的不足一半,只有21隻。研究股票及經濟近30年的恒指公司董事總經理關永盛上周一在本報刊出的專訪中就指出,最好的投資方法,其實就是「被動投資」,即買指數基金,因為「即使是星級基金經理,也不能持續beat the market(跑贏大市)」。

為市民退休保障籌謀 政府「出招」毋須手軟




MPFA Should Try to Bring down MPF Fees
THE MANDATORY PROVIDENT FUND (MPF) Employee Choice Arrangement has come into effect. This arrangement, it was thought, would force MPF providers to slash management fees in order to stay competitive. But what has actually happened is just a slight reduction in fees - and existing clients are not to benefit from it.
Twelve years into its launch, the MPF has performed badly, with excessively high management fees nibbling away at employees' hard-earned money all the time. MPF providers at first came up with all sorts of excuses, declaring that the asset pools for MPF schemes at the early stage were not large enough to warrant a cut in management fees, and that the fees would be adjusted downwards when competition was introduced. But the facts are otherwise. Over the past 12 years, MPF assets have grown to a total of nearly $400 billion, while management fees have remained almost unchanged. And the Employee Choice Arrangement, introduced by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) after much difficulty, has disappointingly failed to spur fee cuts.

As reported in Ming Pao last week, the so-called preferential offers now being made by major MPF providers mean hardly any benefits to existing clients. And judging from the MPF industry's general performance in the past few years, the possibility of a drastic reduction in management fees to bring them in line with international standards is at present minimal.

As also reported in Ming Pao last Friday, the MPFA is studying the feasibility of reforming the MPF system, and may propose to the government the establishment of a non-profit public trustee company to provide a series of low-fee MPF products with safe and simple investment strategies, the aim being to encourage the MPF industry to launch similar investment products with low charges. As all MPF trustees today are commercial organisations, they just want to make the greatest possible profits and have little incentive to provide the public with low-fee retirement products that are safe and simple. The MPFA's plan has got to the crux of the matter.

One reason why MPF schemes charge excessively high fees is that some of them - the actively managed funds - require their managers to trade frequently, for which the managers have to be paid. The investment industry has long fostered the myth that insightful fund managers are able to "beat the market", and so it is worth paying them for their services. This is a myth that has to be exploded.

According to the data collected by a survey company, as at October 18, only 21 (fewer than half) of the 47 Hong Kong equity funds outperformed the Hang Seng Index this year. Vincent Kwan Wing-shing, Director and General Manager of the Hang Seng Indexes Company who has studied the stock market and the economy for almost 30 years, pointed out in an exclusive interview publi
shed in Ming Pao last week that "passive investment", which means investing in index funds, is in fact the best investment strategy since "even star fund managers cannot consistently beat the market".

To provide the public with more retirement investment options, the MPFA has every obligation to take the initiative in launching exchange-traded index funds. If management fees in the MPF market do not go down despite the MPFA's intervention, the government should step in and take even more vigorous measures to safeguard citizens' retirement funds.

明報社評 2012.11.05﹕只靠市場無法減收費 積金局推ETF強力介入






根據調查公司的數據,截至1018日,47隻港股基金中,今年回報能跑贏恒指的不足一半,只有21隻。研究股票及經濟近30年的恒指公司董事總經理關永盛上周一在本報刊出的專訪中就指出,最好的投資方法,其實就是「被動投資」,即買指數基金,因為「即使是星級基金經理,也不能持續beat the market(跑贏大市)」。


