2012年11月22日 星期四


<轉載自20121122日 明報 社評>

具專業能力享高薪 金管局不應推卸責任







金管局替政府理財賺錢 為何不能為市民打理強積金?




Why Shy Away From a Worthy Cause?
WITH HIGH MANAGEMENT FEES and poor returns, Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) schemes have proved to be a gold mine for fund managers and trustees. Employees, on the other hand, can do nothing but watch their hard-earned retirement money being eaten away. The MPF system as it stands today is one of the deep-seated causes of Hong Kong's social conflicts. Quite a number of people have therefore come up with proposals designed to make the system truly serve the retirement needs of the public.
The problem of high management fees has recently prompted lawmakers to call on the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) to assume the role of a public trustee and launch low-fee MPF products so that employees may have more choices. However, HKMA Chief Executive Norman Chan Tak-lam has turned down this proposal outright. We cannot agree with his dismissal of the issue. Nor can we agree with the reasons he has cited.

For one thing, it is general knowledge that senior executives of the HKMA are very generously paid. According to the HKMA Annual Report 2011, each of the 12 Executive Directors received last year a fixed pay of HK$3.28 million, a variable pay of HK$700,000, and sundry allowances that amounted to HK$370,000, which added up to HK$4.36 million, comparing very favourably with US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's annual remuneration of US$199,700 (HK$1.55 million). And the HKMA Chief Executive as well as the three Deputy Chief Executives was paid even more fabulously.

While the general public may not begrudge these senior executives' huge remuneration packages, we must point out that many employees, working hard and living frugally, will not be able to meet their retirement needs because of an MPF system that has gone wrong. The HKMA, with its professional expertise, should be able to help in this respect. Norman Chan must not, for fear of anything untoward happening, refuse to take on more responsibility for the good of the public.
Chan declared that "the role of a public trustee in the MPF system does not agree with the statutory functions of the HKMA". This argument is untenable. The HKMA was not established by statute, but by the Financial Secretary, by virtue of the powers vested in him by the Exchange Fund Ordinance. The HKMA Chief Executive therefore reports directly to the Financial Secretary. If the Financial Secretary tells him to get involved in the MPF business, the HKMA will have to take on this new function.

Now, according to its website and annual report, the HKMA has four principal functions, namely maintaining currency stability, promoting the stability and integrity of the financial system, helping to maintain Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre, and managing the Exchange Fund. But in addition to these the HKMA has at least one more important function, which is to manage the government's fiscal reserves and placements received from government funds and statutory bodies.

If the HKMA can help the government manage its money and achieve reasonable returns, why can't it help the public manage MPF schemes? We cannot see any discrepancy between the HKMA's "statutory functions" and its assumption of the role of an MPF provider, as urged by some lawmakers. The HKMA is directed by the government. In view of the great unpopularity of the present MPF system, the government should direct the HKMA to play a part in the system so that changes for the better may be effected.









