2017年10月13日 星期五

置業主導美夢雖好 恐防現實不似預期

<轉載自20171013 明報 社評>


促進社會和諧穩定 鼓勵置業無可厚非





首置盤成敗難預測 綠置居吸引力難料



Housing policies outlined in policy address

THE policy address recently published puts a lot of emphasis on bread-and-butter issues, with the problem of housing taking precedence over any other matter. The pilot "Starter Home" scheme for first-time home buyers and the regularisation of the Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH) and the Interim Scheme of Extending the Home Ownership Scheme Secondary Market to White Form Buyers are all intended to rebuild the property ladder. They demonstrate the unquestionable determination of the government to help Hong Kong people buy their own flats. However, the needs of people who are waiting to buy their own flats and those living in subdivided flats must not be ignored.

To solve Hong Kong's housing problem once and for all, it is undoubtedly necessary to increase land supply. Equally important, however, is a strategy for housing development. Theoretically speaking, one does not need to have one's own flat to enjoy a good and prosperous life. But in reality, most Hong Kong people equate having a flat with a good and prosperous life. Even those ordinary citizens who do not play the property market to seek big gains want to have a flat registered in their name. After all, property is an important kind of asset. It is also the prerequisite to a middle-class life that is relatively well-off. That the housing policy is defined by the ownership of flats is, to a certain extent, a reflection of the situation in society.
Chief Executive Carrie Lam is very interested in the "Singaporean experience". In fact, the ownership of flats features prominently in Singapore's housing policy. It is true that economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern, while the property market often moves in an alternation of rises and falls. However, as long as property prices do not take a punishing nosedive, it is hugely beneficial to encourage flat ownership so as to promote social stability. The middle class is an important pillar of social harmony and stability. Lam said that by satisfying people's need to get on the property ladder, the government can help promote a sense of belonging. This is exactly the same principle as that guiding the Singaporean government. The real challenge is, however, how to ensure that the policies will work instead of creating new conflicts and troubles.

Hong Kong's social mobility has everything to do with the property ladder. In the past, the three-tier hierarchy made up of public housing, Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats and private flats enabled citizens to work their way up. But over the past ten years, the property market has been highly distorted, with the tiers steep like cliffs. This has made it increasingly hard to cross the unbridgeable gap. Now the government is trying to adopt a three-pronged approach and put pilot "Starter Home" scheme between private flats and HOS flats, and GSH flats between public housing and HOS flats. It is also partnering with social enterprises and the Hong Kong Housing Society to provide transitional housing for people on the waiting list for public housing. If the three-pronged approach takes off, it will reestablish the property ladder. But it is a moot point whether things will develop in such a way in reality.

Public housing today is of excellent quality, and tenants are charged an affordable rent. Many well-off tenants choose to pay a double amount of rent instead of returning their flats. This has exactly been shown by the decreasing applications for HOS flats through green application forms. If the flats under the GSH scheme are of normal quality and not in very convenient locations, they will not appeal to well-off tenants of public housing — even if sold at affordable prices. The government is confident about the GSH scheme mainly because the first GSH project at King Tai Court, San Po Kong was 17 times oversubscribed. However, it is questionable whether the project would still be in such huge demand were it not located in an urban area. It is true that if the GHS project turns out to be unpopular, it can still be turned into public housing units for sale. But citizens will still be affected by the reversal of policies. The government must give the matter further thought and discuss it later. It should wait for the Housing Authority to finish a review and weigh up the pros and cons before making a wise decision.

置業主導美夢雖好 恐防現實不似預期






