2013年4月24日 星期三

再涉超支飲宴送禮 「廉政門」指向異化腐化

<轉載自2013424日 明報 社評>
君悅夜宴內地團 公費吃喝大超支




對權貴送厚禮 湯顯明須交代









ICAC's Departure from Its Established Principles

WHILE the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has yet to account for what the Audit Commission has revealed about its officials' overspending on entertainment, Ming Pao's investigative reporting team has unearthed some more irregularities in ICAC officials' dining and gift-giving expenses, which are really disturbing.
Our reporters have learned of two dinners that involved overspending, held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in early November and early December 2010 in honour respectively of two visiting missions, one led by Cao Jianming, then procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the other by Wei Hong, then Executive Vice Governor of Sichuan. The two missions were each comprised of 20 to 30 people, and the two dinners together cost a total of about $80,000 (more than $41,000 for one, and about $36,000 for the other), averaging about $1,200 per head, which far exceeded the cap of $450 per head prescribed for the ICAC. What is more, more than 20 bottles of expensive wine, brought along by the ICAC officials, graced the tables on both occasions. The overspending would appear even more serious if the cost of the wine were also taken into account.

The mission of the ICAC is to fight corruption, and has nothing to do with sumptuous feasting. Officials in mainland China are in the habit of feasting on the public's hard-earned money, which is detested by the people and partly accounts not only for the alienation between the government and the public, but also for many deep-seated social conflicts. Is the same to happen in Hong Kong as well?

In addition to what has been exposed by the Audit Commission and Ming Pao, how much unwarranted eating and drinking have ICAC officials been involved in? The public has no way to find out, but there are reasons to believe that we have seen only part of the picture.

Former ICAC Commissioner Timothy Tong Hin-ming is said to have given gifts totalling $220,000 to mainland and overseas governments and government departments during his five-year tenure. A detailed account of the gifts can be found in the papers the ICAC yesterday submitted to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council. In 2007-08, Tong presented a Hua Keng stone ornament worth $4,140 to Jia Chunwang, then Procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. As far as we know, it was a tiger-shaped ornament and Jia was born in May 1935, a year of the Tiger. So the gift was well thought out.

Since Jia's retirement in 2008, Cao Jianming has served as Procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and, concurrently, President of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities. According to the ICAC papers, Tong in 2010-11 four times presented gifts to Cao, including a scarf ($2,028), a digital photo frame preloaded with commemorative photographs ($1,890), an ICAC pen ($1,665), and Hong Kong scenery models made of crystal ($2,352).

The ICAC has internal guidelines which forbid its officials from offering gifts to others worth more than $800 unless special approval has been obtained from the Commissioner. As Tong was the Commissioner, there was a conflict of roles for him to give himself special approval. This is a point that must be looked into. Judging by the ICAC's standards, the gifts Tong presented to Jia and Cao were more than generous. Was it really necessary to do so?

The irregularities that have been exposed about the ICAC point to a departure from the Commission's established principles, or even to corruption. This should be attended to seriously, or the slogan "Hong Kong - Our Advantage is the ICAC" will prove to be a big irony.

明報社評 2013.04.24﹕再涉超支飲宴送禮 「廉政門」指向異化腐化









