2013年4月18日 星期四

廉署若禮崩樂壞 誰來守護廉潔核心價值

<轉載自2013418日 明報 社評>  


審計署揭發晚餐超支 廉署解釋牽強難取信







前任專員外訪送禮異常 廉署究竟發生了什麼事?

這兩頓晚餐之值得關注,不在超支花了多少公帑,而是使人看到廉署出現異化的迹象,若廉署禮崩樂壞,則港人珍惜堅持的核心價值,由誰來守護?特別是較早前廉署向立法會財會提交的文件顯示,前任專員湯顯明任內5年外訪34次,共有154日不在港,其中22次外訪均前往內地。外訪共耗近400萬港元,湯的個人開支76萬元,佔總開支19%。文件又披露湯任內花了22萬元,前後136次以公帑送禮予各地政府或官方機構,單在2010 / 11年度已送禮42次,各項禮物金額介乎90元至1.1萬元之間。對於這些異常情况,廉署的解釋含混不清,湯顯明則未回應,結合審計署揭發的兩頓問題晚餐,在湯任專員期間,廉署究竟發生了什麼事?值得關心和愛護香港的人留意。



ICAC Still the Defender of Our Core Values?

THE DIRECTOR OF AUDIT'S REPORT No 60 has revealed some alarming facts about the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), and one cannot but ask: What has happened to the ICAC?

In examining the expenses for two major community events organised by the ICAC in December 2011, the Audit Commission discovered problems of overspending. The ICAC has Commission Standing Orders governing entertainment expenses. They stipulate that an officer may be reimbursed for official entertainment expenses approved in advance. And, unless otherwise approved by the ICAC Commissioner, the expenses per head, inclusive of the costs of food and beverages as well as tips, are subject to a ceiling of HK$350 for lunch and HK$450 for dinner.

Of the two dinners found to be out of order, the first one was held on December 6, for which the ICAC Commissioner approved a budget of HK$450 per head. While the actual cost of the dinner at the Chinese restaurant concerned was HK$431 per head, the diners had dessert at another shop and paid an extra HK$92 per head, bringing the actual expenses per head to HK$523. In addition, they bought 12 bottles of table wine. The total expenses exceeded the amount prescribed by the Commission Standing Orders. The second dinner was held on December 8, the cost of which was approved by an Assistant Director and amounted to HK$1,045 per head. As far as can be seen in the Report, the expenses were not approved by the ICAC Commissioner.

With respect to the first dinner, the ICAC's Community Relations Department (CRD) gave the Audit Commission an explanation consisting of three main points. First, the cost of the dinner was an entertainment expense. Second, the cost of the 12 bottles of wine was charged to the publicity account for the event. Third, going for dessert was an impromptu social activity showing hospitality, the cost of which was treated as a separate entertainment expense. This explanation in effect means making separate reimbursement claims by splitting one single dinner into three parts: the dinner itself, wine, and dessert. If such an arrangement were reasonable and just, would it not be better for the Commission Standing Orders not to stipulate that the entertainment expenses per head should include the costs of food and beverages and tips?

As for the second dinner, which involved expenses far above the prescribed limit, the CRD's answer was simply that it was hosted by the ICAC as a component activity of an event, and the cost was charged to the publicity account. If this is the ICAC's established practice, does it not mean that the Commission can easily circumvent its Standing Orders and justify all its entertainment expenses by saying they are for publicity purposes? The Legislative Council should follow this up seriously.

According to papers the ICAC presented to the Legislative Council some time ago, Timothy Tong Hin-ming, its former commissioner, went on 34 duty visits outside Hong Kong over his five-year tenure. The visits cost almost HK$4 million, of which 19 percent, or HK$760,000, was for Tong's personal expenses. The papers also reveal that, in those five years, Tong 136 times made use of taxpayers' money, totalling almost HK$220,000, and purchased gifts for the governments or government departments he visited, the prices of the gifts ranging from HK$90 to HK$11,000. The ICAC has given no clear explanation for these unusual things. We cannot help asking what actually happened within the ICAC during Tong's term of office. This is a matter of concern for those who really love and care for Hong Kong.

 2013.04.18﹕廉署若禮崩樂壞 誰來守護廉潔核心價值







