2018年12月7日 星期五

美國狙擊華為太子女 中國忍讓克制臨考驗

<轉載自2018127 明報 社評>


泱泱大國不耍流氓 美方狠招令人側目





打壓中國科技發展 美謀與華經濟脫鈎


貿易戰開打以來,北京一邊堅守核心利益,一邊以忍讓態度應對,反制美國措施克制,沒有留難在華美企,遑論製造事端刁難,然而美方步步進逼,率先向中國企業出手,北京是否仍然會忍讓克制,需密切留意。中美新冷戰陰霾籠罩,美國謀求與中國「經濟脫鈎」(economic disengagement)、減少對華依賴,漸成美國政界共識,貿易疏遠僅屬其一。過去一年,美國加強限制與中國的科技交流,除了限制中國留學生,連參與中國「千人計劃」的居美學者,也成為美方緊盯對象,多名「千人計劃」學者被指涉嫌「盜竊美國商業技術機密」,遭美方拘捕。美籍華裔科學家、史丹福大學教授張首晟近期成為美方調查對象,他在孟晚舟被捕同一天突然死亡,傳媒報道他是自殺,然而事件惹來不少華人關注。中美惡鬥愈益凶險,隨時影響香港,商界、學者以至官員都要多加留意局勢,以免香港受到牽連。

US takes aim at daughter of Huawei's founder

HUAWEI Technologies' deputy chairwoman Sabrina Meng Wanzhou, the eldest daughter of the Chinese private enterprise's founder Ren Zhengfei, was arrested in Canada and sought for extradition by the US. The Chinese government has made stern representations with the US and Canada and demanded her immediate release. This has happened in the middle of the high technology spat between the US and China. A US senator has suggested that her arrest was related to violations of the US trade embargo on Iran but in the past the US seldom resorted to arrest and extradition over this kind of dispute. The unusual detention of Meng shows that Washington is making more ferocious moves than before. The matter is more serious in nature than its past sanctions on ZTE. A great nation is not supposed to resort to hooliganism. During the half year since the Sino-US trade war kicked off, Beijing has not put US companies in China in much trouble. By comparison, the bashing of Huawei by Washington has raised many eyebrows. This is casting more doubts over Sino-US trade negotiations and further escalating the tension between the two countries. Whether China will continue to exercise restraint and forbearance is something we have to closely follow.

As one of the world's biggest manufacturers of telecommunication network equipment, Huawei is the global leader in developing 5G mobile telecom technology. Washington has accused China of using the technologies developed by Huawei for espionage and criticised Huawei for posing threats to the national security of the US. Aside from banning Huawei products from entering the US market, Washington has also been lobbying and exerting pressure on its allies to ditch Huawei. The "Five Eyes" comprising the US, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada is an intelligence alliance engaged in global surveillance. Of these five countries, Australia and New Zealand have, citing national security reasons, already banned Huawei from bidding on their 5G infrastructure projects. The UK and Canada are also under huge pressure from the US. Not long ago, a Washington delegation to Europe demanded countries like the UK and Germany should not use Huawei's gear.

The Canadian government said Meng was arrested and detained at the request of the US. China demanded the two countries clarify the reasons for her detention and release her immediately. Huawei also issued a statement emphasising that the company complies with all the laws and regulations where it operates. The Canadian Justice Department said that due to the publication ban sought by Meng and approved by the court, no further details can be provided about the case. But it is noteworthy that even Huawei is not clear about the charges that Meng is facing. "The company has been provided very little information regarding the charges." It is as if outsiders are kept in the dark. That inevitably has invited speculations of all sorts.

The US Justice Department has been investigating in recent years whether Huawei has violated the embargoes placed by Washington on countries including North Korea and Iran. A US senator said that Meng's arrest was related to US sanctions on Iran. Huawei has few businesses in the US because of Washington's ban. If the US asserts that Huawei has violated any sanctions, it can well choose to treat the dispute in a way similar to its previous handling of ZTE's case — launching an investigation by the Commerce Department and announcing punitive action like slapping hefty fines on the company. However, this time the US has opted directly for a judicial investigation targeting the daughter of Huawei's founder. The target was not the company, but a person. The move smacked strongly of intimidation. The intensity of the bashing shows that the incident has apparently been carefully calculated and planned. It beggars belief that it has nothing to do with the current US strategy of crushing the development of Chinese high technology.

Concocting excuses to detain foreign nationals is a hostage-taking and extortion trick usually practised by "rogue states". The White House has once accused North Korea of detaining a US national and making him a bargaining chip in its talks with Washington. The US being a great nation, if it has resorted to such hooliganism itself, one may say that is a great irony indeed.

美國狙擊華為太子女 中國忍讓克制臨考驗






