2018年6月26日 星期二

副學位課程須唯用 政府應把關保質素

<轉載自2018626 明報 社評>

檢討自資專上教育專責小組公布諮詢文件,建議保留副學位制度,同時制訂清晰政策,確保自資課程質素,營辦機構發展情况若不理想可取消註冊。副學士課程推出10多年, 一直存在「高不成、低不就」問題,自資課程良莠不齊,儼如院校生財工具,同樣備受詬病。自資專上教育改革,關鍵在於配合社會經濟需要、滿足學生合理期望,當局若要保留副學位制度,必須加強質素把關,確保課程實際唯用,否則只是浪費莘莘學子時間與金錢。

重新定位副學士 政府勿自欺欺人


2000年政府推出副學士,希望香港高等教育普及率能由當時的33%,在10年間倍升至60%,追上發達國家高中畢業生升學比率。副學士的原意,是作為中學課程與大學課程之間的一個資歷架構。政府強調, 副學士學位兼備通識教育及職業導向訓練,是「獨立而有價值」的資歷,持有副學士學位者,可以投身基層管理及相關專業的助理崗位,然而經過10多年發展,副學士僅被視為升讀學位課程的跳板。對於很多學生和家長來說,副學士存在的最大意義,只是毋須「一試定生死」,即使文憑試失手,仍可花錢買一個入讀「八大」的機會。



自資課程良莠不齊 不能只講「市場主導」



Review of Associate Degree programmes

IN a consultation document released by the Task Force on Review of Self-financing Post-secondary Education, it is suggested that the Associate Degree scheme be preserved, and a clear policy be formulated to ensure the quality of self-financing courses. If the organisations offering such courses do not showcase satisfactory progress, their registrations might be revoked, the document suggests.

When the Associate Degree scheme was introduced in 2000, it was aimed at boosting the universalisation rate of tertiary education from 33% at the time to 60% within ten years, which was the proportion of high school graduates pursuing further studies in developed countries. The original intention was to establish a qualifications framework between secondary school education and tertiary education. The government stressed that an Associate Degree, combining liberal studies education and vocation-oriented training, was an "independent and valuable" qualification, whose holders could start a career in junior management or assistant positions in related professions. More than ten years have passed, and the Associate Degree is still regarded as nothing more than a springboard for undergraduate degrees. To many students and parents, the most important raison d'être of the Associate Degree is to save them from having their destiny determined by a single examination. Even if their DSE examinations have not been successful, they can still have a chance of going to one of the eight universities by parting with some money.

An Associate Degree programme is made up of more than 60% of liberal studies education, and as such is not sufficiently vocation-oriented. Its students have had difficulty landing decent jobs, and at the same time are saddled with debts. A higher diploma, in comparison, is oriented towards vocational training, with training in professional skills making up 60% of the programme. Graduates can choose to work or pursue further studies. It is not a coincidence that enrolments for higher diplomas have been increasing in recent years at the expense of associate degree enrolments. Last year the authorities updated the common descriptors and removed the words "pursue [...] employment in an administrative/managerial position at the entry level", indicating that the programme has departed from its original intention.

The government's tertiary education policy placed more emphasis on quantity than quality, leading to the undesirable consequences we are faced with today. As sub-replacement fertility has become a social trend, the number of secondary school students is decreasing. Over the next few years, supply of undergraduate degrees and associate degrees will, worryingly, outstrip demand. Associate degrees have become something not good enough to get excited over, but not bad enough to forego without regret, and the government is at a loss what to do. Any rash attempt to abolish these programmes will seriously impact the credibility of the qualifications held by Associate degree holders. According to Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, the only thing the government can do now is to enhance Associate Degrees' effectiveness in promoting social development and carry out an in-depth review of their curriculum structures with a view to creating a better bridge between Associate Degree programmes and Undergraduate programmes. To put it frankly: we should face up to the fact that the Associate Degree functions as no more than a stepping stone to tertiary education. Given the fact that most students who enrol in an Associate Degree programme seek nothing more than a second chance of pursuing an undergraduate degree, the government should no longer delude itself and others by talking blankly how Associate Degrees can enhance students' employability.

副學位課程須唯用 政府應把關保質素





