2018年6月19日 星期二

貿易戰美無差別攻擊 勝負關鍵看誰能忍痛

<轉載自2018619 明報 社評>


美挑起多條貿易戰線 中方需有持久戰準備





殺敵一千自傷八百 美自損產品競爭力

美方質疑「中國製造2025」置美國企業於不利境地,「有違公平原則」,惟正如英國學者霍蒲維爾(Kristen Hopewell)所言,這類工業化策略,是發展國追趕西方工業國的常見手段,絕非中國獨有,當年日韓台灣也有用類似政策,何况中國市場夠大,可以成為自身產業升級的最大動力,就算美方封殺中國高科技產品入口,也阻不了中國先進工業發展。相比之下,美國忍痛能力反而未必及得上中國。華府政客除了要考慮中方報復措施對選民的影響,也要考慮國內高科技製造業的處境。以飛機製造業為例,美國其實從中國入口不少高科技零部件去生產飛機。華府向中國高科技產品開徵25%關稅,有可能推高美國公司生產成本,削弱波音公司的競爭力,得益的是歐洲空中巴士。


The indiscriminate trade war started by the US

NOW a trade war between China and the US could break out at any moment, as the White House announced last week that it would impose a 25% tariff on US$50 billion worth of Chinese goods and China responded immediately with action "on an equal scale and of equal strength".

Last March Donald Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Chinese goods. China and the US held three rounds of talks subsequently, and at one point the two countries published a joint statement, signalling that they had reached a consensus that a trade war should be prevented. It was said that if Washington did not impose tariffs on China, China would agree to buy US$70 billion worth of American agricultural, energy and industrial products. But then Trump went back on his word, and the agreement became void. Despite American officials' claim that there is still room for negotiation, the fact that three rounds of talks have come to nothing should be a lesson that merits one's attention. It is doubtful whether a trade war between China and the US can be prevented.

With the spectre of a Sino-US trade war looming, Donald Trump and the Republican Party, eyeing the mid-term elections late this year, are emphasising "America first" and exerting pressure on China. But this could lead to China's retaliation and hit the heartland of the Republican party. This is why Donald Trump has not crossed swords with China for real. However, one of the US's strategic targets is "Made in China 2025", with the aim being to hinder the development of China's high-tech industries. When the mid-term elections are over, Donald Trump and the Republican party will be free from election worries. The US could be even more unrestricted in its all-out containment of China. The Beijing authorities should be prepared for a drawn-out campaign against the US.

Over the past six months, Donald Trump has waged trade wars on many fronts. Apart from exerting pressure on China, Washington has, citing "the national interest", imposed tariffs on global steel and aluminium, causing tensions between the US and its allies such as the European Union, Canada and Japan. The G7 summit held previously was itself a chance for Europe, the US and Japan to present a united front against China. But the issue of steel and aluminium resulted in a "US versus G6" situation instead. Donald Trump has recently adopted a softer stance, calling on Europe to negotiate with the US to reduce trade barriers. But Europe has reacted coolly to the call. Last month Trump ordered the Department of Commerce to model a new tariff on the existing one, tasking the department with reviewing the US's tariff policies on cars and parts with the imposition of tariffs on steel and aluminium as a template. The US's trade disputes with other advanced industrial countries could go further and further. Trump's acts of diplomatic arson have in fact eased the pressure on China. Asō Tarō, the Japanese Minister of Finance, also believes that US protectionism is "advantageous to China".

Since the beginning of this year, US steel prices have risen nearly 40%, making US steel over 50% more expensive than that from Europe and China. When the cost of manufacturing rises, it will definitely hurt the competitiveness of American products. Furthermore, the European Union and countries such as Canada, Japan and Mexico, all of which have been affected by the tariffs, are about to impose tariffs on American products in retaliation, involving more than US$40 billion. The impact on the US economy could be greater than that suffered by the countries on which the US has imposed tariffs.

貿易戰美無差別攻擊 勝負關鍵看誰能忍痛






