2018年6月18日 星期一

深圳允建百萬套資助房 投資人才為全國做示範

<轉載自2018618 明報 社評>


10年來,全國房地產價格飛漲,深圳市區的價格動輒要10萬元(人民幣, 下同)一平方米,中低收入市民叫苦不迭。自從1988年深圳市確定房屋是私有資產以來,一直依賴市場力量調節價格,市政府沒有干預過市場,即使中央要求為低收入者多建公屋的政策,深圳市也沒有貫徹執行,近年有過一些有關吸引人才的補貼計劃,但政策對象單一,亦非以干預市場為目標。這次每年建屋10萬套的計劃,是首次全面和長遠的措施,值得關注。

明確每年房屋供應量 四成住屋照顧中低層






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Shenzhen's plan to build subsidised housing

ON June 5 the Shenzhen municipal government unveiled its plan for housing supply and social security for the coming 17 years. 100,000 flats will be built every year, 60% of which will be subsidised housing. This is the first time Shenzhen has come up with a long-term housing supply plan. This is also the first commitment to subsidised housing made by a major city in China.

Over the past ten years, property prices across the country have rocketed. A flat located in the urban area in Shenzhen now easily costs RMB100,000 per square metre, troubling citizens on middle or low incomes. Since 1988, when the Shenzhen municipal government confirmed that housing was a form of private asset, market forces have been relied on to moderate housing prices. The municipal government has never interfered in the market. Even though the central government demanded that more public housing be built to accommodate low-incomers, the Shenzhen municipal government did not take action. True, in recent years, there have been some subsidy schemes aimed at attracting talent, but the policies only targeted specific groups of people — they were not aimed at interfering in the market. The recent plan to build 100,000 flats is the first comprehensive and long-term measure, and as such is deserving of our attention.

The Shenzhen municipal government has always publicised the idea of "Incomers are Shenzheners". However, Shenzheners from different social strata enjoy vastly different rights. Those on middle or low incomes have no social security to speak of. The recent housing plan specifies explicitly that 20% of the housing caters to low- and middle-incomers, and that it will either be sold for a low price or leased out. It is clearly stated that the public housing will target those who are particularly cash-strapped (equivalent to receivers of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance in Hong Kong) and those who are in public service such as bus drivers and cleaners. The rent will be 30% of the market level.

By stating a number of new flats every year, the municipal government has provided a definite number of housing supply. However, there are still a number of variables when it comes to whether the policy can effectively curb the rise of property prices. They include how the purchase restrictions will be enforced (it alternates between strictness and slackness), the supply and cost of capital and population growth. Furthermore, no specifics of the sale of subsidised housing have come out yet. Right now the discussion is centred on the effect of a Shenzhen policy on the governments of other Chinese big cities.

Shenzhen has always been at the forefront of reform. While it has achieved success in economic development, its devotion and commitment to public services will also set an example of further reform. But the success of a policy depends on not only the change of the mindset and policy, but also how it is put into practice. Rampant corruption in the past made one lose confidence in reform. Now that corruption is being cracked down on across the nation, the allocation of public housing in Shenzhen should also manifest this. "Sunshine policies" such as the public display of the application status and an open draw should be pursued. Furthermore, an independent audit system should be introduced to ensure impartiality and fairness. By doing so Shenzhen will set an example for the entire country to follow, which should not be overlooked.

深圳允建百萬套資助房 投資人才為全國做示範


10年來,全國房地產價格飛漲,深圳市區的價格動輒要10萬元(人民幣, 下同)一平方米,中低收入市民叫苦不迭。自從1988年深圳市確定房屋是私有資產以來,一直依賴市場力量調節價格,市政府沒有干預過市場,即使中央要求為低收入者多建公屋的政策,深圳市也沒有貫徹執行,近年有過一些有關吸引人才的補貼計劃,但政策對象單一,亦非以干預市場為目標。這次每年建屋10萬套的計劃,是首次全面和長遠的措施,值得關注。




