2017年7月17日 星期一

百日計劃成果豐 貿易戰危機暫息

<轉載自2017717 明報 社評>
中國商務部發言人高峰上周表示,首次中美全面經濟對話將總結推進百日計劃的積極成果,還將討論加強兩國宏觀經濟政策的協調、全球經濟治理和貿易投資等問題。美國財長梅努欽(Steven Mnuchin)較早前在美中貿易全國委員會2017年會上亦表示,美國追求的是自由、公平的貿易環境。解決美中貿易失衡問題的辦法應是美國增加對華出口,而不是減少從中國的進口。
全面經濟對話將開鑼 中美貿易大到不能倒
中美雙邊貿易額從1979年建交時的25億美元增長到去年的5196億美元,38年間增長了207倍,中國已經成為美國的第一大貿易伙伴和最大的進口來源地。美方統計數字顯示,2015年美國對華出口為美國創造了91萬個就業職位。牛津經濟研究院(Oxford Economics)估算數字則是,2015年美入口中國商品帶動了美國GDP0.8個百分點,支持了180萬個就業職位。對中方而言,美國是中國第一大出口市場和重要外資來源地之一。根據中國官方估算,2012年每100萬美元對美出口也可為中國創造59個就業職位。按照中方統計的當年3517.9億美元對美出口額計算,給中方帶來的就業職位也多達2000多萬個。而兩國經濟總量約佔全球四成,貿易額約佔全球四分之一,對外投資和吸收外資額約佔全球三成。所以說,中美經貿關係不僅是雙邊關係的「重中之重」,對全球經濟也具有舉足輕重的意義,大到不能倒。
能源合作成新突破點 政經掛鈎傳錯誤信號

No imminent danger of Sino-US trade war
TODAY (July 17) the "100-day plan" of Sino-US trade talks expires. Next Wednesday (July 19) the first comprehensive trade dialogue between the two countries takes place in Washington DC, the capital of the US. Both China and the US have given out that the 100-day plan has proved so smooth that the two countries are starting to talk about a "one-year plan".
Because Donald Trump declared when he ran for president he would list China as a "currency manipulator", the world wondered whether an all-out Sino-US trade war would break out soon after his coming to power. But it is now evident that the possibility of a Sino-US trade war breaking out is becoming slimmer and slimmer.
First, owing to changes in the global financial situation, China has not sought to boost its exports by devaluing the yuan. On the contrary, the yuan has again stiffened and China's foreign exchange reserves have again increased this year. That has rendered the American "currency manipulator" label irrelevant.
Second, the 100-day talks, which began in the wake of the first Xi-Trump meeting (which took place last April at Mar-a-Lago), have produced ten good initial results. Among other things, China has resumed importing beef from the US, taken in US liquefied natural gas and allowed foreign-owned financial institutions in China to provide credit rating services.
Energy cooperation is that with which any breakthrough in Sino-US trade can be achieved. US crude exports to China increased sharply in the first five months of this year. On average, China imports nearly 100,000 barrels of crude a day from the US. The figure is ten times last year's average.
Though there is no imminent danger of a Sino-US trade war breaking out for the time being, one ought to realise no potential factors in Sino-US trade conflict or war have been eliminated. Furthermore, Trump is inclined to link trade issues to political problems that have to do with North Korea, Taiwan or the South China Sea. The fact that he has recently threatened to take measures to deal with steel dumping has clouded the first comprehensive economic dialogue (which is soon to begin).
Being the two most important economies in the world, China and the US should not confine themselves to just seeking "trade balance". They should concern themselves with making it possible for their economic relations and trade to develop, proactively bringing about what may better conduce to fair competition and eliminating structural conflicts step by step. The two countries should restart their BIT (bilateral investment treaty) talks as soon as possible with a view to fostering two-way market-opening.
And Trump should give up linking economic and trade issues to how hard China tries to pressure North Korea, for that not only troubles other trade partners with uncertainty but also conveys the wrong message that politics overrides economics and the maintenance of fair trade is "negotiable".
It is Vice Premier of the State Council Wang Yang that is to represent China in taking charge of the first Sino-US comprehensive trade dialogue. He has been China's chief negotiator at Sino-US strategic and economic dialogues, and it is thought that he will take part in Sino-US economic dialogue for the last time at the first Sino-US comprehensive economic dialogue. If, at his swansong dialogue, he makes a good start of the Sino-US dialogue, he will gain many counters that may conduce to his ascendance next autumn at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
百日計劃成果豐 貿易戰危機暫息


