2017年7月10日 星期一

從遼寧艦到長征五號 軍事強國之路仍漫長

<轉載自2017710 明報 社評>
長征五號發射失利 太空站計劃或生變
20年發展成就雖大 軍力並非單憑武器

Far from being military power

THE PUBLIC EXHIBITION of Liaoning (China's first aircraft carrier) in Hong Kong on two consecutive days raised in town great fervour. China has indeed made in recent years rapid progress in armament technology. After Liaoning, 001A (the first wholly China-built aircraft carrier) and a 10,000-ton guided missile destroyer have been launched one after the other, 4th-generation Jian-20 stealth jet fighters have been put into service, and breakthroughs have been made in developing anti-missile and anti-satellite technologies and manufacturing hypersonic glide vehicles. Therefore, it has been clamorously asserted that China has surpassed Russia and is hot after the US in military power.
China was nowhere near as strong as it is now, but the situation of its peripheral security is as perilous as it has ever been. The country is faced in the north with the North Korea nuclear crisis, in the south with South China Sea disputes, in the east with disputes over the Diaoyu islets and the Taiwan question and, in the west, with its territorial disputes with India and the confluence of terrorists and Xinjiang separatists. Furthermore, its investments along what is called "One Belt One Road" have increased. Therefore, its interests have gone beyond its borders. That has set even higher demands on its military capabilities.
Those in China's armament industry have in recent years achieved much. They have contributed to what China has achieved not only in weapon production but also in making civil aircraft and deep-sea research submersibles and developing space technology and other civil technologies. This being the case, a number of eye-catching political stars have arrived in China's political arena from its armament industry. Being no Shangri-la, its armament industry is not immune to maladies of the mainland system and evil tendencies in society. Unlike the scientists involved in making "the two bombs (atomic and hydrogen) and one satellite", those in the younger generation are less than rigorous and have no spirit of sacrifice. They tend to shift the blame and claim credit, and they crave greatness and success. The way they do research is more impulsive than meticulous. And problems of remuneration have caused a brain drain. Such problems are far from conducive to the steady development of China's armament industry.
There are on the market all sorts of rankings of national military strength. Countries are ranked invariably on the basis of the numbers of aircraft, guns and naval vessels they have. However, a country's military strength does not simply depend on the size and performance of its weaponry. It should be assessed comprehensively with regard to various aspects: strategic policy, guiding theories, command systems, technical tactics, economic power, industrial foundations and combat morale. These are all important factors. He who assesses a country's military strength solely on the basis of its weaponry's sophistication is bound to arrive at a wrong conclusion. One unrealistically belittles one's country if one, turning a blind eye to increases in its military strength, believes it is as unable to withstand a single blow as it was in Qing dynasty in the face of such powers as the US and Russia. However, one ought to be so sober as to realise that he has a limited outlook who believes China has surpassed Russia and is hard on the heels of the US in military strength and may consider all in Asia-Pacific beneath its notice. There are angry young people that yell online at every turn China should teach its neighbours lessons. Such blind arrogance does not signify true patriotism. "A bellicose country will certainly perish, however great it may be, and, though peace reigns in the world, a country will endanger itself if it forgets war." Such sagacious ancient remarks are very much worth bearing in mind.
從遼寧艦到長征五號 軍事強國之路仍漫長


