2014年5月15日 星期四

越南反華非孤立事件 中國周邊安全極險惡

<轉載自2014515 明報 社評>


越南故意鬧大事件 爭取支持向華施壓






做好戰爭準備 中國唯一選擇





Vietnam: part of an anti-China alignment

THE OUTBURST of anti-Chinese sentiments in Vietnam was triggered by a Chinese rig drilling for oil in waters near the Paracel Islands. A large number of Vietnamese law enforcement vessels, sent to stop the oil drilling operation, were confronted in force by their Chinese counterparts, and there were collisions between them. Public demonstrations in Vietnam demanding China's removal of the rig and the cessation of drilling activities have escalated into riots directed against Chinese-owned factories, no matter whether they are from mainland China, Taiwan, or Hong Kong. Vietnam's social regime is such that, without government connivance, public demonstrations and protests could not possibly have taken such a violent turn. It is likely that the Vietnamese authorities are fanning nationalist sentiments in order to put pressure on China.

Before the Viet Cong took control of the whole country in 1975, Vietnam had no territorial disputes with China in the South Sea. After all, China's sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands is solidly based on historical and legal evidence. According to experts in Sino-Vietnam relations, in 1958, when Pham Van Dong was Vietnamese Prime Minister, he sent to the Chinese government a diplomatic note (known historically as the Diplomatic Note of Pham Van Dong) acknowledging categorically China's sovereignty over the islands.

Now the Vietnamese government is clearly going back on its word. In fact, because of the Chinese government's tolerance (mainly the result of the inadequacy of China's naval forces), Vietnam has occupied quite a number of South Sea islands and, in cooperation with multinational enterprises, is carrying out massive offshore drilling for oil. In January last year, Premier Li Keqiang visited Vietnam and came to a strategic agreement with the Vietnamese authorities for "putting aside territorial disputes in favour of joint development". A working group was also established for this purpose. However, Vietnam apparently still feels its interests threatened, and has made use of this opportunity to challenge China.

Vietnam made an issue of China's drilling for oil off the Paracel Islands one day after the Philippines arrested, on May 6, a group of Chinese fishermen for "poaching in Philippine waters". We are not sure if all this was purely coincidental or carefully orchestrated. At the same time, United States officials, from the State Department spokesman to Secretary of State John Kerry, have openly criticised China for "provocation" when commenting on the Sino-Vietnamese standoff. It is clear that they are spurring Vietnam on against China.

By themselves, the Philippines and Vietnam are nothing to China. Even Japan would not dare to challenge China continually if it were not supported by the United States. With three territorial disputes flaring up along its coastline, China can hardly cope simultaneously with three military conflicts, given the present strength of its navy. This is especially so when the United States, China's real opponent and a military superpower, is working behind the scenes. China is thus faced with unprecedented dangers along its frontiers.

With territorial waters covering an area of 3 million square kilometres, China must strengthen its navy to protect its resources and interests. There is no other choice left to China, as the recent territorial disputes with Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam show very well.

越南反華非孤立事件 中國周邊安全極險惡






