2017年9月20日 星期三

港鐵藉口太多 乘客保障太少

<轉載自2017920 明報 社評>
縱火案傷者不獲賠償 跟足程序反成擋箭牌
檢討事故賠償機制 港鐵政府同有責任

The MTR: too many excuses and too little protection for passengers
LAST February, an arson attack on an MTR train resulted in one death and nineteen injuries. Back then the MTR pledged in all sincerity to do everything it could to help the victims. But since then, the MTR has offered no assistance apart from partnering with charities to raise funds for the wounded, while no insurance benefits have yet to be paid to victims. Some of them criticised the MTR for refusing to shoulder its responsibility. The MTR earns over $10 billion per year. But the protection it offers to passengers is disproportionately insufficient, and it has used its "full compliance with related procedure for handling claims" as an excuse for passing the buck. While the MTR has a moral obligation to provide more assistance for the wounded, the government should interfere and review the mechanism for compensation payment to ensure that people will receive proportionate assistance when they suffer a similar accident.
It is seven months since the arson attack took place, and some of the injured are still living in agony. One of them was so seriously burned that it is now difficult for him to stand for just one minute. The accident has caused him enormous physical and mental suffering, and his long road to recovery will involve a lot of psychological and physical treatments. Another victim has lost his ability to work, throwing the livelihood of the family in doubt. Compassion is something we all share. A prosperous and civilised society should have the ability and willingness to help the innocent victims of the attack. But regrettably, the victims have found it extremely difficult to fight for compensation.
After the attack happened, the MTR immediately launched a fundraising event together with charities, in which the company and employees raised at least $2 million for the victims. The management of the company also said that its legal department would work with an insurance company to "give full support” to the handling of insurance benefits. But what happened next was quite another thing. According to the victims, no sooner had the MTR referred their application for compensation to the insurance company than it made an attempt to distance itself from the matter, saying that the issue had nothing to do with the company any more. The insurance company, said the MTR, would answer questions from the victims directly. In July, a claims adjuster commissioned by the insurance company replied that the attack was carried out by the arsonist and that the MTR's handling of the incident that day was "quick, well-arranged and effective". The MTR did not have any responsibility to shoulder in the matter, and as such did not have to pay any compensation.
The MTR might assert with eloquence that the matter was handled in full accordance with established procedure, and that it was independently assessed by a claims adjuster. Furthermore, it was concluded in a report submitted by a Review Committee to the government in April this year that the company's response was effective and that it tried its best to protect the safety of passengers. The decision to refuse to grant compensations, the MTR might argue, was made simply in accordance with established procedure. However, the problem is that the existing compensation mechanism is obviously unfair to victims. The commitment made by the MTR to the victims is disproportionately insufficient. "Compliance to procedure" is now used as an excuse.
It is true that the arson attack was not caused by the MTR itself. The responsibility it has to shoulder in that matter is different from that for a serious accident, such as when trains clash or derail. That said, it would be difficult to soothe the victims to say that the misfortune that befell them was an unfortunate coincidence, that it happened because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that the MTR had nothing to do with it. The MTR has a daily patronage of more than five million people, which is more than 40 per cent of the total patronage of the public transportation system. To many Hong Kong people, using the MTR is a definite choice. But it is apparent that the third-party insurance taken out by the MTR offers insufficient protection to passengers. As a hugely profitable public utility, the MTR is definitely able to show more generosity and shoulder more social responsibility by insuring passengers against less common accidents.
港鐵藉口太多 乘客保障太少


