2017年9月25日 星期一

十九大修黨章 習思想將面世

<轉載自2017925 明報 社評>

中共中央政治局上周開會,宣布下月召開的中共十九大將「根據新形勢新任務對黨章進行適當修改」, 並明確提出「要把黨的十九大報告確立的重大理論觀點和重大戰略思想寫入黨章……充分體現黨的十八大以來黨中央提出的治國理政新理念新思想新戰略」。這意味着,近5年來習近平的施政理念,很有機會被寫入中共黨章,而是否會以習近平之名命名,也引人矚目。
領袖思想入章慣例 習近平創最快紀錄
治港思路再續5 命名彰顯時代開啟

Xi Thought is about to see light
THE POLITICAL BUREAU of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) met last week and has announced that, at shijiuda (the 19th National Congress of the CPC, which is to take place next month), "the CPC's constitution will be suitably amended in the light of the new situation and its new tasks". It has declared that "the major theoretical viewpoints and major strategic thoughts established in the shijiuda report of the Party have to be written into its constitution so that the new ideas, new thoughts and new strategies pertaining to the administration and government of the country the Central Committee of the Party has put forward since the end of the 18th National Congress of the Party can be fully embodied."
However it may be called, the substance of such theories will supposedly include the "China dream" of achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, "the four all-rounds" (all-roundly to bring about a moderately well-off society, all-roundly to deepen the reform, all-roundly to run the country in accordance with the law and all-roundly to run the Party strictly) and "the five major ideas of development" (innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing). Economically, the CPC will stress adapting to the new normalcy and carrying out supply-side structural reform characterised with "getting rid of capacity, inventory and leverage, bringing down costs and making up for short staves". Diplomatically, it will put forward the "community of human destiny" idea and "one belt one road" proposals. As for regional development, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development and the Changjiang economic belt will be followed by the planning of the Xiong'an New Area and the concept of the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area. According to Director of the State Council Information Office Jiang Jianguo, it is a matter of course to sum up "more accurately and more scientifically what Xi theorises and puts into practice, which has over the past five years formed a system of thoughts."
Xi Jinping's ideas about the way Hong Kong should be run are mirrored in a focused way in the few speeches he made when he was in the SAR round July 1 this year. They are, to wit, adhering unswervingly to "one country, two systems" lest it should go out of shape; taking it as an integral part of the CPC's government and administration of the country and as an integral part of the realisation of the "China dream" to succeed in implementing "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong; looking at the Hong Kong question from the vantage point of the country's sovereignty, security and interests of development; underscoring the central government's rights and interests in Hong Kong and the constitution's status in the Hong Kong SAR. It will, at the same time, encourage Hongkongers to believe in themselves and the country and seize the opportunities that may arise because of the country's development and partake of the glory of national rejuvenation. This policy about the way Hong Kong should be run will conceivably continue to be embodied in the shijiuda political report and the line the central government will follow in the next five years in dealing with matters concerning the SAR. Hongkongers should be so sober as to realise this situation and fully brace themselves psychologically for it.
Finally, much can be said about what epithet the set of Xi thoughts to be written into the CPC constitution will carry. "Mao Zedong Thought" and "Deng Xiaoping Theory" are the only sets of theories and ideas that have been named after the Party's leaders since its foundation. The "Three Represents" thought has not been named after its author (Jiang Zemin), nor was the "Scientific Outlook on Development" (authored by Hu Jintao). That shows neither Jiang's popularity among the CPC members nor Hu's compares with Mao's or Deng's. If the new Thought written into the CPC constitution bears Xi's name, one may say that Xi's status in the CPC has surpassed Jiang's and Hu's and attained the level of Mao's and Deng's and that shijiuda marks the beginning of the CPC's "Xi Jinping era".
十九大修黨章 習思想將面世
中共中央政治局上周開會,宣布下月召開的中共十九大將「根據新形勢新任務對黨章進行適當修改」, 並明確提出「要把黨的十九大報告確立的重大理論觀點和重大戰略思想寫入黨章……充分體現黨的十八大以來黨中央提出的治國理政新理念新思想新戰略」。


