2017年9月11日 星期一

習二次南巡振改革攻堅 「深水區」雖難過終須要過

<轉載自2017911 明報 社評>
提前透露二度南巡 政治信號耐人尋味
1992年初,鄧小平不顧高齡南下一個多月,邊走邊發表談話,後被整理達一萬多字,其中的很多論斷至今仍然閃閃發光。例如,「誰不改革誰下台」、「計劃和市場都是經濟手段,不是社會主義與資本主義的本質區別」、 「判斷改革開放姓社姓資,標準應該主要看是否有利於發展社會主義生產力」、「 發展才是硬道理」、「改革開放膽子要大一些,看準了的,就大膽地試、大膽地闖」、「中國要警惕右,但主要是防左」,等等。如所周知,鄧小平南巡的背景是六四事件後保守派回潮,鄧小平要給予回擊。當年6月,江澤民在中央黨校講話,不但承諾「三中全會以來的路線方針政策不變」,而且還進一步宣布要建立「社會主義市場經濟體制」。
反改革思潮浮現 南巡是攻堅宣言

Xi's second southern progress
LAST WEEKEND this newspaper led others in reporting President Xi Jinping would come down to Guangdong to attend a Fortune forum to be held in Guangzhou and then make an inspection of the province. The first province Xi inspected five years ago in the wake of shibada (the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC)) is Guangdong. Early next December (in the wake of shijiuda (the 19th National Congress of the CPC)), he will again in progress towards the region that led others in embarking on reform and opening-up (R&O). Conceivably, he will not only kick off activities to mark the 40th anniversary of the beginning of R&O (which he announced during the last BRICS summit) but also vigorously drum against stronghold-storming in the R&O "deep-water region".
What in essence is China's R&O, which has gone on for four decades? In the final analysis, it is the replacement of its planned-economy system (copied from the Soviet Union) by a market-economy system. Not a few Chinese and foreign theorists have said it is not so much reformation as revolution, for it features departures from many cardinal principles of Marxism-Leninism. Now business owners may "exploit" their employees, farmers "work on their own", and ordinary people "speculate" on the stock market. In the past, he who did any of such things risked "losing his head". Looking back, one may say the R&O journey China has gone on over the past four decades is certainly unprecedentedly arduous. Xi has said that, with the determination of one who would blaze a trail up any hill and build a bridge across any river and the tenacity of one bent on making holes in stone with dripping water, it is possible to make a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. China is now the second largest economy in the world. That alone is proof that R&O is correct and successful.
It is now quite clear that China's R&O verges on a "deep-water region". The process of putting in place a market-economy system is now at a stage where the last strongholds must be stormed. It is still on gigantic state-owned enterprises (SOEs) that attention should be focused. Some of them are monopolies that strangle fair competition, waste resources and are inefficient. It is necessary, on the one hand, to cure such maladies and, on the other, to prevent hollowing resulting from disorderly competition and endeavours to make quick returns (which the West has seen). Xi's Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms has determined that the SOE reform should be geared towards mixed-ownership reform and emphasis be placed on the reform of the ten-odd monopolistic areas including telecommunication, railway, power and armament industries. However, the teeth will surely hurt grievously that bite bones of those "long-standing and gigantic" enterprises. There will be collisions of interests, and ideological resistance will arise. Because R&O dividends are unevenly distributed, anti-R&O ultra-leftist ideas have surfaced in the form of nostalgia and occasionally emerged with "tremendous momentum". Therefore, Xi's second "southern progress" and the things he is to do to mark the 40th anniversary of the beginning of R&O will by no means be just routine celebrations. They will actually amount to a declaration of continuing stronghold-storming in the "deep-water region".
Reform is always under way. That is what Xi appears determined to see. Not only the reform of the economic structure is burdensome and protracted, but also that of the political structure. For example, government bodies must be streamlined, and systems for democratic selection perfected. Such reforms lie in the "deep-water region", which is hard to traverse but must eventually be traversed. Xi often talks about "confidence in four aspects". Some take that to mean political reform can be ruled out. They are mistaken. Even good systems must be reformed before they can be perfect and in keeping with changes of the times.
習二次南巡振改革攻堅 「深水區」雖難過終須要過


