2023年3月19日 星期日

非法侵略伊拉克20周年 美國不知反省變本加厲

<轉載自2023320 明報 社評>


急於打擊911元兇亂定目標 先發制人手段從此奉為圭臬







美國天下第一不容挑戰 動武解決對手不受制約





20th Anniversary of US Invasion of Iraq

The 9/11 attacks in 2001 were the first foreign attacks on US soil since World War II. 2,996 people died, the landmark Twin Towers in New York crumbled, and the Pentagon in D.C. was hit. To the US, these were a massive humiliation. Nine days later, then US President George W. Bush announced a war on terrorism. The intelligence he received showed that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had long been in close contact with the Islamic extremist organisation al-Qaeda. President Bush vowed to launch pre-emptive strikes against the perpetrators of 9/11. That began the US' planning to strike Iraq.

Military operations are often preceded by a propaganda campaign. In his 2002 State of the Union address, President Bush coined the phrase "axis of evil", linking North Korea, Iran and Iraq on a "line of evil". At the same time, he actively sought the support of US allies. Among North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) members, Britain was a willing pawn of the US, but France and Germany strongly opposed the use of force against Iraq, arguing that the dispute should be resolved diplomatically.

At the United Nations (UN), the US motion was also defeated. At last, it was agreed upon a compromise that authorisation be granted for the inspection of Iraq to investigate whether it possessed nuclear weapons. If Iraq disagreed, it would face serious consequences. As permanent members of the Security Council, France and Russia stated that the so-called serious consequences did not include the use of force against Iraq and the overthrow of the Iraqi government. This is known as UN Resolution 1441.

The US paid no regard to the UN's resolution. On the one hand, the US Congress adopted the Iraq Resolution in October 2002, authorising the president to take any measure against Iraq when necessary. On the other, the US actively mobilised the support of its allies and began preparations for warfare in Iraq. In his State of the Union address delivered at the end of January 2003, President Bush claimed that Iraq had biological weapons laboratories.

After a meticulous investigation, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced in February 2003 that it did not find Iraq possessing nuclear weapons. Still, the US and UK administrations both claimed that Iraq owned weapons of mass destruction when seeking parliamentary support on 17 and 18 March respectively for the decision to start the war.

In fact, back then warships of the American and British militaries were already stationed off the coast of Iraq. Bombers on the warships had been loaded with bombs, and the missiles aimed at Baghdad had been uncovered. Hundreds of thousands of army troops were polishing their rifles, waiting for an order from President Bush on 19 March to storm Iraq.

It was proved afterwards that Iraq indeed did not possess any weapon of mass destruction, while the culprit of 9/11 was hiding in Pakistan, not Iraq. Nevertheless, the US is still using expedients to pre-empt any country that challenges the US' hegemonic status. Announcing the US National Security Strategy last October, President Joe Biden said he will not leave the US' future vulnerable to the whims of countries who do not share its vision. Among countries that compete against the US for its international position in the future, China is the top enemy, while Russia is the next.

The US Senate and House of Representatives are preparing a bill to repeal authorisations for the president to declare war. It remains to be seen whether the bill will be adopted. The problem is, no one can be sure whether, just as it produced a massive lie years ago, the US will present a list of "trustworthy" intelligence that a certain country owns means that may threaten US national security, before similarly authorising the president to take pre-emptive military actions against another nation. What the US needs to reflect on is not only the mistakes made 20 years ago, but also the mindset of preserving its position at "the top of the world" at all costs.

非法侵略伊拉克20周年 美國不知反省變本加厲









