2020年10月18日 星期日

福島核污水為患 排放海洋爭議大

 <轉載自20201019 明報 社評>


環團批卸責為省錢 日本「放水」不易服眾





隱瞞核災損信心 水產安全多關注

福島核災發生後,日本當局和東電被指隱瞞災情、應變不力,其後又被指早知核電站抵禦海嘯能力不足,相繼官司至今仍在持續。過濾核污水問題,東電同樣招人詬病。東電曾聲稱,過濾系統能將水中可致癌輻射物質降至無法偵測水平,可是2018年東電卻承認,檢測結果顯示,有數萬噸已過濾的水,鍶-90含量超標百倍。誠如德國綠色和平高級核專家貝奈恩(Shaun Burnie)所說,福島核災及善後處理,有太多不盡不實之言和謊話,很難相信東電或日本官方。倘若日本當局一意孤行排放核污水入海,有可能惹來強烈反彈。


Fukushima nuclear sewage is a major problem

Nearly a decade after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government intends to make a decision in the short term to discharge more than a million tonnes of nuclear sewage into the sea. It stresses that the sewage has been treated and most of the radioactive substances have been filtered out, so much so that its release into the sea and dilution will not pose a health hazard. However, not only are local fishery organisations strongly opposed to it, but neighbouring countries such as South Korea are also paying close attention. Since the outbreak of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese authorities and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) have been repeatedly criticised for failing to disclose all the facts. Two years ago, TEPCO admitted that its sewage, though filtered, was still found to contain excessive levels of dangerous radioactive substances, and was forced into making a public apology. If they really think that the nuclear sewage is ''safe and harmless'', they can use the sewage for other domestic purposes without discharging it into the sea.

As the cooling water has become contaminated, it has been official practice to store over 1.2 million tonnes of it in the plant area, and the nuclear sewage is still increasing at a rate of around 170 tonnes per day. Theoretically, the only way to solve the problem once and for all is to remove the nuclear fuel residue from the reactors, but it is not clear when this will happen. According to the latest media reports in Japan, the Japanese government has decided to ''decontaminate'' the nuclear sewage before it is discharged into the sea, with an announcement to be made by the end of this month at the earliest. According to a Japanese source, from its approval to the disposal in 2022, the government will have a year or so to try its best to explain the decision to the rest of the country and abroad, but whether this will be enough to allay the concerns of neighbouring countries and the Japanese fishing industry is another matter.

In addition to discharging the nuclear sewage into the sea or the atmosphere, the Japanese government has other options to consider. It can, for example, use advanced technology to further filter and concentrate the sewage, or store the sewage in a safer place. Foreign nuclear experts have also pointed out that TEPCO has admitted that there are still places where more sewage repositories can be built.

Environmental groups have questioned the government's decision to release the nuclear sewage into the sea, arguing that it is just a convenient way to save money and cut costs. As for Japanese fishermen, they are worried that the industry's reputation for the safety of its fish will be affected, and that will deal a blow to the industry. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the authorities and TEPCO were accused of covering up the disaster and failing to respond to the contingency. It was then alleged that they had known that the nuclear power plant was not strong enough to withstand the tsunami, and successive lawsuits are still ongoing.

As Shaun Burnie, a senior nuclear expert at Greenpeace Germany, says, there are too many untruths and lies about the Fukushima disaster and its aftermath, making it hard to trust TEPCO or the Japanese authorities. If the Japanese authorities insist on discharging nuclear sewage into the sea, there could be a strong backlash. If the Japanese government carries on in complete disregard of the reactions of its neighbours, the Hong Kong government should also re-examine the issue of the importation of forestry and fishery products from Fukushima and its neighbouring prefectures.

福島核污水為患 排放海洋爭議大





誠如德國綠色和平高級核專家貝奈恩(Shaun Burnie)所說,福島核災及善後處理,有太多不盡不實之言和謊話,很難相信東電或日本官方。倘若日本當局一意孤行排放核污水入海,有可能惹來強烈反彈。倘若日本政府不理鄰國反應,執意為之,港府亦需重新審視有關福島及鄰近縣區農林水產輸入的問題。

