2019年6月4日 星期二

卅年中斷愛國民主路 六四平反復興民族魂

<轉載自201964 明報 社評>


暴力鎮壓不能接受 改革成就勿混一談


1989年是世界歷史重要分水嶺。在東歐,共產政權接連倒台,然而中國卻走上迥異之路。曾幾何時,西方學者相信,自由主義民主已取得終極勝利,「歷史已經終結」。30年匆匆過去,歷史發展不似預期。在西方,民主政治陷困,右翼民粹主義抬頭,不斷衝擊自由主義核心價值,作為東歐後共產時代「優等生」的波蘭和匈牙利,不約而同朝「不自由主義民主」(illiberal democracy)方向倒退,反觀中國則搭上了現代化快車。



中國模式要民主自由 民族復興須平反六四




Rehabilitation of June Fourth is crucial to national rejuvenation

THIS YEAR marks the 30th anniversary of the June Fourth Incident, when a patriotic, democratic movement labelled a "riot" was bloodily suppressed by the government. For those who lost their loved ones in the crackdown, the wounds have yet to heal, and the injustice has yet to be redressed. To rehabilitate the June Fourth Incident is to uphold the fundamental values of humanity. Doing justice to what happened in history is a cause unlikely to be consigned to oblivion by the passing of time.

The June Fourth crackdown left an indelible mark on China. Try as the mainland government might to play down the incident, the historical scar emerges into public view year after year on the anniversary of the incident. In Beijing, there will always be people who know that some of the exits of Muxidi Station will be closed around this time of year. "The Tiananmen Mothers", a union of the families of the victims, insist on commemorating the incident in different ways even though they are under surveillance, gagged or "forced to go on holiday". Thirty years on, many families of the victims still find it hard to choke back their grief when thinking about the murder of their loved ones. Tears mingle with howls of anguish in a way that overwhelms us. For years they have insisted that the government should make public the truth, issue an apology and pay compensation. But the date of the rectification of the injustice seems to remain distant.

The year 1989 was an important watershed in world history. While communist regimes in Eastern Europe crumbled one after another, China embarked on a fundamentally different path. There was a time when academics in the West believed that liberal democracy had scored the ultimate triumph and "history had ended". Thirty years passed in the blink of an eye, and things have not developed in the expected way. The mainland is increasingly confident in its path and system, and more and more the authorities are viewing the June Fourth Incident merely as a setback in the Reform and Opening Up. This attitude was in full display when Wei Fenghe, the Chinese Defence Minister, recently said that China had undergone earth‑shattering changes over the past thirty years, and the suppression of the 1989 "riots" was "the right decision". He asked why some people thought that China was wrong in the way it handled the incident. However, it is never appropriate to comment on history by looking solely at the outcome but not the process. It is always wrong to suppress the people through violent means.

Outsiders thought that as the reins of power were handed over from one generation of Chinese leaders to another, it would not be long before the June Fourth Incident was vindicated. But thirty years have passed, and this day has yet to come. It might be so because this has to do with the legitimacy to rule or because the notions that "stability must trump everything" and "development is the absolute principle" remain the core, guiding beliefs. But the reality is that the government has refused to face this part of history squarely and has been trying to wipe it from people's minds. By doing so the government is deluding others and itself. During the Spring and Autumn period in China, many historians from the state of Qi gave their lives recording the assassination of the monarch; Jin historian Dong Hu recorded another assassination with the same integrity. No one can hide their wrongs from history. The "China model" needs to address human rights, democracy and freedom as well. The Beijing authorities stress the importance of national rejuvenation, the creation of "a community of shared future for mankind", and the need to claim the moral high ground in the international arena. However, until the June Fourth Incident is rehabilitated, it will be difficult for Beijing to win universal approval in the international community no matter how successful the "China model" becomes.

卅年中斷愛國民主路 六四平反復興民族魂





