2019年6月17日 星期一

撤回修例無謂留尾巴 獨立調查為亡羊補牢

<轉載自2019617 明報 社評>


特首致歉尋求和解 須終結「殭屍議題」




對於網絡片段影像,各執一詞無助梳理實情、也無助整體社會認知真相,政府應該成立獨立委員會,全面調查。事實上,金鐘一役之後,前任港督彭定康在英國《衛報》發表文章,指出大家看到的暴力行為不能接受,但認為當和平示威被排除,年輕人難免(inevitable)做得過分(go too far),他說雖然認同襲警是錯誤行動,但指警方過度武力更壞,被國際人權組織譴責,認為應展開公開調查(public inquiry)。

獨立調查金鐘一役 釐清事態汲取教訓





Two things to do after the amendment controversy

DESPITE the government's decision to suspend the amendment of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, hundreds of thousands — or even millions — of people took part in a mass demonstration to make themselves heard, with Civil Human Rights Front claiming nearly two million people's participation and the police putting the number at 338,000 at its peak. This shows that many people are still dissatisfied, exerting pressure on the government. Things having so developed, the crux of the matter is whether the government will withdraw the amendment. The social atmosphere at present makes it impossible for the government to continue with the amendment. In other words, the amendment has become more or less a "zombie issue". The government will be asking for trouble to put a zombie beside itself. Our view is that the government should stop dawdling and withdraw the amendment.

Last night chief executive Carrie Lam admitted that the deficiencies in the government's work had led to substantial controversies and disputes in society, causing disappointment and grief among the people. She apologised to the people of Hong Kong for that and pledged to adopt a most sincere and humble attitude to accept criticisms and make improvements in serving the public. This is a positive development, demonstrating the sincerity of her wish to reconcile with citizens.

Different people have different perceptions and interpretations of the violence that took place at Admiralty last Wednesday. Their judgement of the matter is swayed by footage circulated on the internet. If different sides stick to their versions of the incident based on internet footage, it will not make it easier for society as a whole to find out the facts and identify the truth. What the government should do is to set up an independent commission tasked with a comprehensive investigation. In fact, after what happened at Admiralty, Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong, published an article in The Guardian, a British newspaper. He said that "the violence we have now seen is not acceptable", but it is "inevitable that young people will go too far when peaceful demonstration seems to be ruled out". Though he agreed attacking police officers is wrong, he thought that "worse still is the totally excessive use of force by the police which has been condemned by human rights organisations". He argued that there should be "a public inquiry into these public order issues".

An independent investigation can make things clear in two aspects. First, if the police force, as a whole, used excessive force when handling the protests, an investigation can drive the police force to formulate a set of action guidelines to prevent similar incidents from happening again. If there were police officers on duty who used excessive force, that should be handled in accordance with established procedure. Any illegality should be dealt with according to the law. Second, after the independent commission has identified the intensity and nature of the force that the police were subjected to that day, it will be conducive to strengthening Hong Kong's reputation and image as a place for peaceful and rational demonstrations for the expression of views.

All in all, in a positive development, the chief executive has apologised to citizens. If the matter does not deteriorate further, the government has to do two things. First, it has to withdraw the amendment. Second, it has to set up an independent commission to investigate what happened at Admiralty so as to learn a lesson and take remedial action.

撤回修例無謂留尾巴 獨立調查為亡羊補牢



關於去周三金鐘一役,各方就當日暴力情况的認知和解讀,衆說紛紜。網絡上流傳一些片段,影響了人們對事態的判斷。對於網絡片段影像,各執一詞無助梳理實情、也無助整體社會認知真相,政府應該成立獨立委員會,全面調查。事實上,金鐘一役之後,前任港督彭定康在英國《衛報》發表文章,指出大家看到的暴力行為不能接受,但認為當和平示威被排除,年輕人難免(inevitable)做得過分(go too far),他說雖然認同襲警是錯誤行動,但指警方過度武力更壞,被國際人權組織譴責,認為應展開公開調查(public inquiry)。



