2017年6月14日 星期三

政府標時立法無期 欠打工仔一個公道

<轉載自2017614 明報 社評>
合約工時偷龍轉鳳 基層工人保障不足
標時立法決心不足 下任政府需有擔當
Broken promise about standard working hours has let down working people
WHEN it comes to labour rights protection, Hong Kong has fallen short of acceptable standards and is lagging well behind other developed regions all around the world. Having spent much time studying the issue of standard working hours, the government has come up with a plan, but it has disappointed the vast majority of working people. The government has proposed to address the problem of long and unpaid overtime only with "contractual working hours", saying that it will "study" whether to enact legislation on standard working hours two years later.
The demand for reasonable working hours is a legitimate one, since it is all about very basic labour protection. As early as the nineteenth century, workers in Europe and the United States, fed up with exploitation by capitalists, took to the streets to demand an eight-hour-a-day employment system. Today more than 80 countries — including advanced industrial countries as well as those relying mainly on agriculture — have laws in place that regulate working hours. In this aspect, Hong Kong is far lagging behind. Hong Kong is one of the places with the longest working hours. The problem is particularly serious with low-skilled workers of low social status, who are faced with an even deteriorating situation. In 2015, the median number of weekly working hours for Hong Kong's working people, who numbered approximately three million, was 44.5 hours, which was much higher than the 40 hours recommended by the International Labour Organization. According to statistics, 65,700 employees work for 72 hours or more every week. If they work six days a week, that means they have to work 12 hours daily. Exhausted, they do not even have time for basic rest, let alone spending time with their family and friends. What is more, many working people have no choice but to be forced to do unpaid overtime or work on holidays. Some employees in the catering industry say plainly that they "cannot possibly say no", since they are worried it might be difficult for them to apply for leave if they do not accept their employers' demands. All this shows the urgency of standard working hours legislation and why there is no reason for dawdling.
In 2013, the government set up the Standard Working Hours Committee (SWHC), which once ignited the hopes of employees. But regrettably, representatives of employers kept objecting to any form of legislation on standard working hours. Representatives of employees, arguing that the government was on employers' side, boycotted the meetings. The final proposal is obviously slanted in the favour of the business sector. Under the plan approved by the Chief Executive-in-Council, employers will be obliged by the government to enter in contracts with employees of low social status earning not more than $11,000 a month. Under the so-called "contractual working hours" arrangement, the contract should detail specifics such as working hours, rest and overtime payments. However, the government will only compile guidelines for the working hours and overtime payment of several industries for the "reference" of employers, and those guidelines are not legally binding. The government will review the effectiveness of the measure two years later in order to study whether it is necessary to enact legislation on standard working hours.
The incumbent administration says that the effectiveness of contractual working hours will be evaluated two years later. Employers and employees, together with the government, will then decide whether to enact legislation on standard working hours. Such a suggestion is no different from passing the buck of standard working hours, a hot potato as it were, to the next administration. We can only hope that Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive-elect, will show her spine by initiating legislation on standard working hours instead of letting down working people again.
政府標時立法無期 欠打工仔一個公道

