2014年10月16日 星期四

運動失控武力升級 警民衝突惡果難料

<轉載自20141016 明報 社評>


警員打人電視片段 當局應嚴查公正處置






佔領偏離非暴力 警方仍應保持克制



Increased use of force in the Occupy movement

FIRST protesters occupied Lung Wo Road. Then police dispersed the crowd, leading to a clash with the protesters. Then it was alleged that seven police officers had used inappropriate force by beating up a protester. All this is an indication that the Occupy protests are deviating increasingly from the principle of peace, rationality, and non-violence, and are drifting towards the increased use of force.

A protester was subdued and handcuffed behind his back when police were clearing Lung Wo Road. As shown in TV footage, several police officers took him to a dark corner before raining kicks and punches on him. There was suspected inappropriate use of force on the part of these officers. The protester demonstrated the wounds all over his body. Though TV footage shows that he had poured liquid on police, it is debatable whether he deserved such extrajudicial punishment.

In a society such as Hong Kong where the rule of law is upheld, the police exercise the power granted by the law. Any protester who has violated the law should be arrested, prosecuted and punished by the court in accordance with related regulations. As for the treatment of the protester, some say the police officers involved in the case may have meted out punishment unlawfully. Some even claim there is prima facie evidence that they may have committed the criminal offences of wounding and assault. However, whether they employed inappropriate force is to be investigated by the police, as are the nature of the incident and the follow-up actions that were taken. To answer the queries of not only the protester but also society as a whole, the police must be impartial and handle the incident fairly and justly.

The increased use of force during the clearing of Lung Wo Road was manifested in other aspects. First, protesters rushed onto and blocked Lung Wo Road. It is understood that their actions were suggested on the Internet by a few radicals and joined by others. As they acted without any prior warning, police officers at the scene, initially outnumbered by the protesters, had no choice but to retreat facing their continued advance. Another group of protesters started their actions by dismantling the facilities nearby and erecting barriers. All this shows that some protesters have deviated from the principle of peace, rationality and non-violence, and have chosen to occupy the roads by force.

Second, when police reinforcements arrived, the protesters were seen fully equipped with umbrellas and goggles. Apparently they had braced themselves for a confrontation with the police on duty. We are convinced that objects like umbrellas can be used as shields to protect them from pepper spray, and as weapons can be used to carry out attacks.

Since the Occupy movement broke out, the Hong Kong police, in the face of an unprecedented mass movement characterised by the increased use of force, have undeniably shown a kind of restraint rarely seen in other countries or regions. Particularly under pressure are the police on the front line. They have taken the insults - and even attacks - from protesters in their stride, though they have had no other choice but to do so. It is understood, through many channels of communication, that many police officers feel they have been misunderstood, and are distressed. How such emotional tension will affect their enforcing the law cannot be answered easily. At this stage, the most important thing is to help police officers let off steam in an appropriate manner.

運動失控武力升級 警民衝突惡果難料






