2019年1月21日 星期一

中國經濟保六 力防增速斷崖

<轉載自2019121 明報 社評>


無必要增速無穩定 難深化改革調結構





按照官方標準,2020年建成小康社會,指標包括GDP2000年翻兩番,人均超過3000美元;城鎮居民人均可支配收入1.8萬元(人民幣,下同)、農村居民家庭人均純收入8000元等。而據全國政協副主席兼國家發改委主任何立峰日前透露,預計中國2018年人均GDP已接近1萬美元,已躋身中等偏上收入國家之列,這也就引發出中國經濟的另一個隱憂:能否跨越「中等收入陷阱」(Middle Income Trap)?



機遇期又逢小康收官 慎防墮中等收入陷阱



6% growth target of the Chinese economy

LAST week Premier Li Keqiang convened three meetings. During these meetings Li stressed that the central government had proposed that the Chinese economy should be operating within a reasonable range. This implies that while the central government allows a certain degree of flexibility for economic acceleration, wild vacillations will not be tolerated, let alone allowing the economy to fall off a cliff.

In recent months, investment and consumption acceleration have shown a downward trend. Imports and the Producer Price Index for last December were also lower than expectations, leading to worries that China's economic growth in 2019 will hit the lowest point since 1989 with even the possibility of deflation. On the other hand, mainland cities and towns have added more than 15 million people to the labour force, and 8.34 million of them are university graduates. This is a new high, marking unprecedented pressure for the employment market.

According to official benchmarks, the "fairly well-off society" which should come into being in 2020 should have treble the GDP of 2000, with GDP per capita exceeding US$ 3,000. The disposable income of residents per capita in towns should be 18,000 RMB, and the per capita net income of members of households living in villages should be 8,000 RMB. It is forecast that by 2018 China's GDP per capita had already approached US$ 10,000, so China already ranks among countries of upper middle incomes. This has given another cause for concern: will China overcome the Middle Income Trap?

The Middle Income Trap refers to a country's failure to transform its mode of development after its Gross National Income (GNI, the total income calculated on the basis of purchasing power parity) per capita exceeds US$ 1,000, which results in the lack of new impetus for growth and ultimately economic stagnation. Historically, while Japan, South Korea and Singapore succeeded in climbing to the ranks of high-income countries (with GNI per capita upwards of US$12,000) 20 years after they became middle-income ones, an economic turnaround did not occur to Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil and South Africa after the same time interval. All of them have yet to become high-income countries.

2019 marks the 18th year after China became a middle-income country. Last year mainland residents' disposable income per capita approached 29,000 RMB. Whether the country will overcome the Middle Income Trap hugely hinges on this year and next year.

In mainland China, the discrepancy between town and country and between East and West remains wide. Statistics show that of the country's 1.4 billion people, one billion have never travelled by plane, and at least 500 million do not have a flush toilet at home. The potential of urbanisation and the demand for consumption are huge. That is why an economist suggests in the country's tax-reduction stimulus package that only by encouraging these one billion people to spend money can the economy be stimulated and domestic demand be truly expanded.

That said, there is a need for vigilance against the mainland economy's famous vicious cycle: when rules are tightened, it goes into the doldrums, and when they are relaxed, into a shambles. The asset bubbles caused by the four-trillion-RMB stimulus plan in 2008 were a mistake that should be avoided. A relaxation of home purchase restrictions by local governments and a repeat of land-oriented finances, in particular, must be guarded against, as financial risks must be prevented. It is a comfort to hear Li's reiteration that China "will not rely on the old path" and "will be firmly against the practice of flooding the market with money". Only a 6% growth achieved this way will be treasurable.

中國經濟保六 力防增速斷崖



按照官方標準,2020年建成小康社會,指標包括GDP2000年翻兩番,人均超過3000美元;城鎮居民人均可支配收入1.8萬元(人民幣,下同)、農村居民家庭人均純收入8000元等。而預計中國2018年人均GDP已接近1萬美元,已躋身中等偏上收入國家之列,這也就引發出中國經濟的另一個隱憂:能否跨越「中等收入陷阱」(Middle Income Trap)?





