2018年7月23日 星期一

廣東出口負增長 香港經濟響警鐘

<轉載自2018723 明報 社評>


過分依賴加工貿易 面臨低成本國家競爭







漣漪效應波及香港 多元發展應快馬加鞭


Warnings from the negative growth in Guangdong's exports

GUANGDONG's exports dropped by 3.3% to 1.91 trillion yuan in the first half of the year. Although the whole country's exports still experienced an increase of 4.9% in the same period, given the fact that Guangdong's exports comprise one quarter of the country's sum, the negative growth in the province's exports is indeed cause for alarm about China's yearly exports amid the escalating trade war. Because of the interdependence between Guangdong and Hong Kong, a downturn in Guangdong's exports is bound to have an impact on Hong Kong's trade and sectors like the shipping industry. Despite the fact that Guangdong has long been planning to reconstruct its economy and has been consciously promoting trade with Belt and Road countries, it has still become a casualty of the trade war. Hong Kong's economic restructuring is now an urgent task that can no longer be delayed.

Guangdong has long outperformed all the other provinces in external trade. Last year, its total exports and imports rose by 8% yearly to 6.82 trillion yuan. Its exports grew by 6.7% to 4.22 trillion yuan, securing its longstanding position as the top province of the country for decades. However, serious structural problems exist in Guangdong's external trade. Firstly, it has been too dependent on processing trade. Since its opening up and reform was kicked off by the northward migration of Hong Kong's industries, Guangdong's trade has mostly relied on processing with imported/supplied materials or processing with imported/supplied samples. Even ten years ago, half of its total export value came from processing trade. Although that proportion lowered to 37% last year, it was still rather significant. Processing trade is reliant on the supply of cheap labour, with little added value in the process. The costs of local labour continuing to rise, Guangdong was already facing intense competition from Southeast Asian countries of low labour costs even before the trade war. In fact, the major factor behind the big drop of its exports in the first half of this year was the nearly 18% slump in exports of labour intensive products.

Another important reason for the abrupt sluggishness in Guangdong's exports was the decelerating export growth of electromechanical products. Accounting for 73.2% of the province's total export value, the export of electromechanical products grew by only 1.6% in the first half of this year. Worse still, after the anaemic growth, there is another hurdle ahead. Of the goods affected by the US's new tariffs, half are electromechanical products. Traders knew well about the impact of the new tariffs and scrambled to import those goods before the new levies. Once the new tariffs take effect, we may foresee even greater blows to the export of Guangdong's electromechanical products.

Talking about Hong Kong in the face of the Sino-US trade war, government officials have stressed that the city's entrepot trade will not be affected much. However, Hong Kong should draw lessons from the negative growth in Guangdong's exports and the outlook for its external trade. The declining growth in Guangdong's external trade will deal a blow to Hong Kong's trade and shipping industry immediately, further triggering a ripple effect on its financial, tourism and retail sectors. Guangdong had proposed and pushed ahead with economic restructuring long before Hong Kong did, but its results have still been far from ideal. Hong Kong must hurry through its own diversification of economic development and spur the horse at full speed.

Guangdong has benefited from the timing of the country's development of industries and high technology. The establishment of trade relations with Belt and Road countries, which Guangdong has pursued vigorously, is also endorsed by state institutions. Hong Kong cannot afford to continue dithering if it wants to be incorporated into the country's big picture of development. While the trade war is sounding the alarm on Guangdong's economic restructuring, it can also be a catalyst for reforms. Under no circumstances should Hong Kong take this lightly.

廣東出口負增長 香港經濟響警鐘






