2018年7月12日 星期四

貿易戰美國步步進逼 中國須化被動為主動

<轉載自2018712 明報 社評>


借鑑毛澤東戰術 應付美方新攻勢






玉石俱焚重招難亂用 適時警告勿「相互毁滅」


中方拋售美債,必令外匯儲備損失慘重;人民幣大幅下跌,則會導致資金外流,不利內地去槓桿和產業升級改革。雖然大行分析認為,中方不會隨便使用這些辣招,人行也表示會維持人民幣穩定,可時一旦貿易戰曠日持久,就連美方專家也不敢排除北京會採取貶值策略,甚或沽售美債,不惜壓低美債價格推高債息,跟美方「累鬥累」。當然,這些玉石俱焚重招不能輕率亂用,可是就如核武一樣,有時確要提醒對手,己方手上有殺手鐧,足以「保證相互毁滅」(Mutual Assured Destruction)。


China should adopt proactive measures as US steps up offensive in trade war

THE China-US trade war appears to be escalating. Washington has announced that it will impose an additional 10% tariff on US$200 billion worth of Chinese goods. China has said that it will take necessary countermeasures. As the US steps up its offensive, China should remain calm while planning its next step in the trade war. It should neither become hot-headed and mess up its game plan nor hold on to any doctrine of appeasement. China should adopt a more proactive strategy and force Washington to back off by reminding Washington at the right time that China owns some lethal weapons too.

Since the trade war broke out, US stocks have as a whole had a strong run. One of the reasons is that many investors believe that the trade war will have a "limited impact". However, the real impact of the trade war has yet to be felt. To a certain extent, the solid performance of American companies and positive economic figures only reflect the effects of Trump's huge tax cuts last year. Former US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan has already pointed out that imposing tariffs may appear to be causing trouble to the exporting countries, but in reality, it is the people of the importing countries who are footing the bill because imposing tariffs are similar to increasing taxes on the public. It will be a blow to the purchasing power of Americans and will offset the effects of big tax cuts.

Trump has claimed that the US can win the trade war easily and one main reason is that the total value of exports from China to the US exceeds US$500 billion, which is three times that of US exports to China. The US therefore has more bargaining chips than China when the two countries scramble to impose tariffs on each other's products. However, some analysts and scholars have queried Trump's assertion and think that he is being too optimistic.

First of all, apart from tangible goods, there are also "intangible assets" in international trade. In a globalised economy, the creation of the value of any goods is distributed in many countries. This is the so-called "global value chain". Some countries are good at "producing" knowledge— related research and development while others are good at production and manufacturing. Take, for example, the US's annual net income from royalty fees, which is as high as US$80 billion, while China's net expenditure exceeds US$10 billion. Some scholars project that if income from the trade of intangible assets is included, the annual foreign trade deficit of the US will be reduced by as much as 50%. When the US started the trade war, it had not seriously taken into consideration the impact on its trade in intangible assets. If it is taken into consideration, the adverse impact of the trade war on the US may perhaps be much higher than imagined.

In addition, China has other tough measures with which it can counter the US. According to US trade experts, China can target US companies in China. For example, it can close the production lines of iPhones citing technical reasons or increase the production costs of American car factories in China. When necessary, China may even resort to tougher measures, such as imposing restrictions on profit repatriation by American investors in China, or even selling US Treasury bonds and allowing the RMB to depreciate.

If China sells US bonds, its foreign exchange reserves would inevitably suffer a heavy loss. The devaluation of the RMB will result in a capital outflow, which is unfavourable to the deleveraging drive and the upgrading and restructuring of industries on the mainland. Tough measures that destroy everything including oneself and one's enemy should of course not be resorted to rashly. However, as in nuclear armament, sometimes one has to remind one's enemy that one has lethal weapons which ensure "mutual assured destruction".

貿易戰美國步步進逼 中國須化被動為主動





中方拋售美債,必令外匯儲備損失慘重;人民幣大幅下跌,則會導致資金外流,不利內地去槓桿和產業升級改革。當然,這些玉石俱焚重招不能輕率亂用,可是就如核武一樣,有時確要提醒對手,己方手上有殺手鐧,足以「保證相互毁滅」(Mutual Assured Destruction)。

