2014年3月26日 星期三

服貿協議掀起波濤 馬英九陷政治危機

<轉載自2014325 明報 社評>


未充分解釋違程序公義 服貿本好棋下得太差了






年底與總統選舉 國民黨選情亮紅燈




Ma Ying-jeou hit by trade-pact crisis

IN PROTEST against the Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services, Taiwan students have occupied the Legislative Yuan for a week now, and there is still no sign of an end to the occupation. For Ma Ying-jeou and the Kuomintang government, whose approval ratings have for a long time remained frustratingly low, the situation is really grim.

And in addition to occupying the legislature, the students also forced their way into the Executive Yuan. It took an army of police officers many hours to force them out of the building. If after the Legislative Yuan the Executive Yuan were also occupied by the students, the Taiwan government would be effectively paralysed, and the student movement would very likely turn into a government-toppling revolution. It appears that the Taiwan public is well aware of the serious implications of the case, which may explain why the government has not come under fierce criticism although its crackdown on the student demonstrators was marked by a violence rarely equalled in Taiwan these days. Clearly, as the world's most democratic Chinese society, Taiwan when faced with a critical issue is on the whole able to tell the right from the wrong.

However, the student movement is still going on. If improperly handled, things may still take a turn for the worse. As Premier Jiang Yi-huah pointed out yesterday (March 24), there will be no constitutional crisis if the students disperse and the Legislative Yuan is able to resume operation soon. But the longer the legislature remains out of operation, the larger the crisis looms. If a constitutional crisis does occur, Taiwan's political situation may well get out of hand.

The student movement is in fact a reflection of the Taiwan public's misgivings about economic integration with mainland China. What the Taiwan government should do, therefore, is tell the people how the trade pact will be of advantage to them and to Taiwan.

The students' protests may well be regarded as the most serious political crisis Ma has been faced with since he led the Kuomintang back to office in 2008. Over the past six years, Ma's record of political achievements has been hardly impressive. What he prides himself on is the maintenance of beneficial interaction with the mainland. However, for this reason he is labelled, by the Democratic Progressive Party and some other people, as one who "betrays Taiwan". The students' protests would not have turned into a major event if the students, among others, were not suspicious of the government in this respect.

The event also shows how different factions within the Kuomintang have different axes to grind. For instance, a few days into the students' occupation of the Legislative Yuan, Ma invited the heads of the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan to a meeting to find a way to bring the matter to an end. President of the Legislative Yuan Wang Jin-pyng, however, declined to attend. Jiang said that, if the meeting had been held and an agreement had been reached, the crisis might have been resolved already. Thus, even when it is hard hit by a political crisis, the Kuomintang is still riven by internal strife. One can hardly be optimistic about the party's chances in the 2016 presidential election. And if the Democratic Progressive Party comes to power once again, what will be affected is not only Taiwan's political arena and the island's interactions and relations with the mainland, but also the stability and security of the region. Much remains to be seen.

服貿協議掀起波濤 馬英九陷政治危機






