2019年3月14日 星期四

美航空安全權威動搖 香港禁飛決定慢半拍

<轉載自2019314 明報 社評>

波音新貴737 MAX 8型客機,短短半年兩遇空難,世界各地相繼暫時停飛、禁飛同款客機,連美國堅實盟友加拿大昨晚亦加入禁飛行列,惟華府堅持737 MAX仍然適合飛行,波音與華府千絲萬縷關係再成焦點。航空安全不怕一萬只怕萬一,多國決定停飛,不是因為百分百清楚客機出了什麼問題,而是不能百分百肯定它真的沒有問題。美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)的決定,向為全球準繩,各國相信FAA的專業判斷,今次多國頒下停飛令,實際是向華府和FAA投下不信任票,美國航空安全領導權威動搖,本港民航處起初仍以FAA馬首是瞻,禁飛決定慢了半拍,有需要檢討。

各國禁飛波音MAX 8 美國唱反調陷孤立

繼去年底印尼獅子航空空難,日前埃塞俄比亞航空又有一架波音MAX 8客機墜毀。事後中國率先下令內地航空公司停飛同款客機,之後新加坡、德國、法國、澳洲、歐盟、加拿大等亦有類似決定,本港民航處也決定暫禁波音737 MAX型飛機進出或飛越香港,然而空難翌日美國FAA卻發出「持續適航通知」。停飛客機對航空公司來說是成本代價很高的決定,然而沒有事情比起乘客安全更重要。過去廿多年,全球航空事故死亡數字持續下降,短短半年發生兩宗嚴重空難,合計近350人喪命,事不尋常。今次是1970年代美國麥道DC 10型客機以來,首次有新機型在如此短時間內接連墜毁。

中國最初頒下停飛令,部分美國傳媒認為事關中美貿易戰,質疑北京欲以波音訂單作為談判籌碼,隨着其他國家加入停飛禁飛,顯示各地航空界確對MAX 8安全有疑慮,反映北京做法有節有理,反觀美國卻愈益孤立。回看兩宗MAX 8空難,相似之處不少,出事客機都是在起飛後不久,懷疑出現操控問題,不少航空專家都將矛頭,指向客機的「機動特性增強系統」(MCAS)。

2010年,歐洲空中巴士推出新一代A320機型,波音急忙推出737 MAX迎戰,短短數年售出近5000架,至今已有340架交貨,中國是主要買家之一,中美貿易談判,美方還游說北京購買更多飛機。波音標榜MAX 8引擎更為慳油,然而由於新引擎比舊款大,客機設計調整後,機頭容易抬高,習慣駕駛舊款737的機師,理應重新受訓適應,波音擔心影響新機種競爭優勢,於是引入MCAS系統調節,強調現有737機師也可直接駕駛。

MCAS原意是防止機頭提升至危險角度,惟一旦感應系統失靈發出錯誤信號,機頭可能出乎預期壓低,急速向下俯衝。由於MCAS系統預設是會架空機師,意味即使機長企圖手動操控,也未必能制止客機俯衝,調查顯示獅航空難正正與此有關,問題是波音在空難後才承認有此風險,現有操作手冊亦沒提及如何關閉此自動系統。2013年,波音787夢幻客機疑因鋰電池過熱起火,FAA亦曾下令停飛6周,時任運輸部長拉胡德表示,當年波音也不滿停飛決定,惟當局有必要審慎預防以策萬全,刻下MAX 8亦應停飛。現在FAA一邊飭令波音必須下月底前改善系統,一邊卻堅稱「沒理由」停飛,外界難免懷疑FAA淡化問題。

港民航處「跟車太貼」 決斷未夠獨立批判


過去數十年,美國航空業稱雄全球,所有國際航空公司要在美國立足,必須遵守FAA的標準,國際社會亦相信FAA的專業判斷。過去FAA會指派業外專家,負責飛機安全標準認證,然而由於財政緊絀,2005FAA改變相關制度,容許波音等飛機製造商,起用自己的僱員作為「認證專家」,「自己認證自己」。美國國家運輸安全委員會前主席霍爾(Jim Hall)指出,當前一大問題是FAA身為監管者,與波音關係太親密,「結果是製造商實際兼任了監管者」。今次MAX 8出事,外界難免希望知道,當年FAA為何未有察覺MCAS隱患,仍向MAX 8發出安全認證。

領導地位不是自己說了算,而是由別人許予、累積多年信任得來,當旁人發現領導者私心凌駕眾人利益,就不會再事事遵從。倘若其他國家質疑華府只顧為美國航空業界利益護航,不是以乘客安全為先,FAA長遠有可能失去全球航空安全領導地位。這次各國向華府和FAA投下不信任票,對強調美國利益優先的特朗普是一個警號,本港民航處亦應反思,今次禁飛處理,起初是否不夠獨立批判。本港比內地、印尼、新加坡等「慢半拍」頒布禁飛令,其實不是最大問題,真正問題在於心態。多國決定禁飛後,民航處最初仍以「美方表示適合飛行」為由,照准MAX 8在港升降,及至後來才匆匆轉軚,這種表現當然難言理想。

US's undermined authority in global aviation safet

BOEING's new state-of-the-art 737 Max 8 jetliner crashed twice within just half a year. Many countries have ordered that passenger aircraft of the same model be suspended or grounded. However, Washington insists that the 737 Max is still airworthy. The intricate relationship between Boeing and Washington is in the spotlight again. In the past, the decisions of the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) set the global standards. By ordering that the plane be grounded, countries around the world have cast a vote of no-confidence in Washington and the FAA. The authority of the US as the global leader in aviation safety has been undermined. Hong Kong's Civil Aviation Department initially followed whatever the FAA did and was slow in making a decision to ban the 737 Max. A review is necessary.

After the Lion Air crash last year, another Boeing Max 8 aircraft, this time from Ethiopian Airlines, has crashed recently. China was the first to respond by ordering all mainland airlines to ground aircraft of the same model. Singapore, Germany, France, Australia, the European Union and Canada etc made similar decisions. Hong Kong's Civil Aviation Department later decided to ban all Boeing 737 Max aircraft from landing in, taking off from or flying over Hong Kong. In contrast, the FAA issued a notice of "continued airworthiness" to the Boeing 737 Max model a day after the accident.

Boeing accounts for over 10% of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Grounding all Boeing 737 Max aircraft would definitely deal a blow to the US stock market. US President Donald Trump, who keeps a close watch on the stock market, of course does not want this to happen. Boeing is not only one of the biggest employers in the US, but also a major arms supplier with a cozy relationship with Washington. The current acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan was a former Boeing executive. Boeing wields tremendous political and economic influence in the US. In contrast, as the regulator of the US aviation industry, the FAA's situation has been in increasing difficulty in recent years. The White House has cut the FAA's budget for two consecutive years. The FAA's acting administrator Daniel Elwell, a Trump appointee, was a lobbyist for the aviation industry. All this has aroused public concern regarding the FAA's ability to regulate the aviation industry.

In the last few decades, the US aviation industry has occupied a leading position in the global market. Any international airline that wants to gain a footing in the US must abide by FAA standards. The international community has confidence in the FAA's professional judgement as well. The FAA used to appoint experts outside the industry to certify aviation safety standards. However, due to budgetary constraints, since 2005 the FAA has been allowing Boeing and other aircraft manufacturers to employ their own employees as "certification experts". In other words, the aircraft manufacturers are certifying themselves. Jim Hall, former chairman of the US National Transportation Safety Board, has pointed out that the main problem now is that the FAA, as a regulator, has too close a relationship with Boeing. "The manufacturer essentially becomes both the manufacturer and the regulator," he said.
The fact that all the countries have cast a vote of no-confidence in Washington and the FAA is a warning sign for Trump who always emphasises that US interests should come first. The Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department should also reflect on whether the way it dealt with the ban has shown enough independent and critical thinking. After many countries decided to ban the 737 Max 8, the Civil Aviation Department continued to allow the 737 Max 8 to take off from and land in Hong Kong, saying that "the US said that it was still airworthy". It made a U-turn hastily later. Such performance is hardly ideal.

美航空安全權威動搖 香港禁飛決定慢半拍

波音新貴737 MAX 8型客機,短短半年兩遇空難,世界各地相繼暫時停飛、禁飛同款客機,惟華府堅持737 MAX仍然適合飛行,波音與華府千絲萬縷關係再成焦點。美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)的決定,向為全球準繩,今次多國頒下停飛令,實際是向華府和FAA投下不信任票,美國航空安全領導權威動搖,本港民航處起初仍以FAA馬首是瞻,禁飛決定慢了半拍,有需要檢討。

繼去年底印尼獅子航空空難,日前埃塞俄比亞航空又有一架波音MAX 8客機墜毀。事後中國率先下令內地航空公司停飛同款客機,之後新加坡、德國、法國、澳洲、歐盟、加拿大等亦有類似決定,本港民航處也決定暫禁波音737 MAX型飛機進出或飛越香港,然而空難翌日美國FAA卻發出「持續適航通知」。


過去數十年,美國航空業稱雄全球,所有國際航空公司要在美國立足,必須遵守FAA的標準,國際社會亦相信FAA的專業判斷。過去FAA會指派業外專家,負責飛機安全標準認證,然而由於財政緊絀,2005FAA容許波音等飛機製造商,起用自己的僱員作為「認證專家」,「自己認證自己」。美國國家運輸安全委員會前主席霍爾(Jim Hall)指出,當前一大問題是FAA身為監管者,與波音關係太親密,「結果是製造商實際兼任了監管者」。

這次各國向華府和FAA投下不信任票,對強調美國利益優先的特朗普是一個警號,本港民航處亦應反思,今次禁飛處理,起初是否不夠獨立批判。多國決定禁飛後,民航處最初仍以「美方表示適合飛行」為由,照准MAX 8在港升降,及至後來才匆匆轉軚,這種表現當然難言理想。

