2017年12月8日 星期五

特朗普唯恐天下不亂 中東霸權爭逐起風雲

<轉載自2017128 明報 社評>

美國總統特朗普承認耶路撒冷為「以色列首都」,惹來國際社會反彈,歐洲和中東盟友紛紛反對。耶路撒冷歸屬是中東最敏感問題,特朗普力撐以色列,唯恐天下不亂,令以巴和談壽終正寢。特朗普一改數十年華府中東外交立場,為競選承諾「找數」是因素之一,惟亦與「後ISIS時代」中東霸權爭逐有密切關係。特朗普不按牌理出牌,為國際地緣政治形勢增添不少變數,不過其一意孤行作風,勢將進一步削弱美國全球領導地位,所謂「美利堅治世」(Pax Americana)可能已走向盡頭。

承認耶城為「以國首都」 華府撐以色列抗伊朗





特朗普不按牌理出牌 地緣政治角力添變數




特朗普的中東新政策,明顯是一場政治賭博,美國全力擁抱沙特以國,俄羅斯在中東將有更多外交空間合縱連橫;美以沙特與伊朗角力益趨熾烈,也容易擦槍走火。美國著名政治學者羅斯科夫(David Rothkopf)指出,小布殊、奧巴馬和特朗普三任總統政治立場迥異,可是三人的外交政策,均不約而同是「得失盟友,益了敵人」,導致美國全球領導地位日削月朘,二戰後美國致力在全球建立的「美利堅治世」正走向末路。特朗普今次冒天下之大不韙,難免進一步打擊美國全球領導角色,長遠有可能「因小失大」。

Donald Trump sows discord in the Middle East

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump has recognised Jerusalem as "the capital of Israel", provoking a backlash from the international community and opposition from the US's allies in Europe and the Middle East. The sovereignty of Jerusalem is the most sensitive issue in the Middle East. By throwing his weight behind Israel, Donald Trump has shown that he is dead set to sow discord in the world and has effectively killed off the Middle East peace process.

Jerusalem is regarded as a holy city by followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The issue of which country Jerusalem belongs to dates back to the early 20th century. After the First World War, Britain occupied Jerusalem and Palestine, which was followed by the influx of Jews. The end of the Second World War saw the partition of Palestine into two by western powers. The state of Israel came into being, triggering the First Arab-Israeli War. After the war Jerusalem was divided into half. West Jerusalem was accorded to Israel, and East Jerusalem to the Arabs. The 1967 Arab-Israeli War ended with Israel's occupation of the West Bank of River Jordan, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, regions that originally belonged to Palestinians. Israel has long deemed Jerusalem to be its capital, a claim that is not recognised by the international community. The Palestinians, who are striving to create their own country, have also long aspired to have Jerusalem as their capital. In 1993, by virtue of mediation by the US, Israel and the Palestinians signed the Oslo Accord, an effort aimed at resolving the conflict between Israel and Palestine and letting the Palestinians create their own country. The sovereignty of Jerusalem became the core of future peace talks.

Pro-Israel groups in the US that wield immense power have long demanded that the White House recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US embassy there. However, for the White House to mediate in the Middle East peace process, it is necessary for it to remain impartial. Bill Clinton in the 1990s, George W Bush and Barack Obama in the 21st century all adhered to the principle of not recognising Israel's claim and not moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Trump's move to alter the diplomatic policy of previous administrations and support Israel is tantamount to forgoing its role to mediate in the peace between Israel and Palestine, stoking uncertainty in the Middle East. Not only might this trigger a new wave of violent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians, but radical Islamic terrorists could also take advantage of the situation to carry out more terrorist attacks.

When running for president, Donald Trump promised to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital in exchange for support from Jewish tycoons and pro-Israel groups. The decision made by Donald Trump is evidently an attempt to fulfil this promise. This, however, did not entirely come out of the blue if looked at from the vantage point of the latest situation in the Middle East rivalry.

Donald Trump's new Middle East policy is obviously a political gamble. With the US giving its full support to Saudi Arabia and Israel, Russia will have more leeway to forge alliances in the Middle East. The increasing rivalry between the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia and Iran can also easily spiral out of control. As pointed out by David Rothkopf, a prominent American political scientist, despite the major differences between the political stances of George Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, there is one thing in common in their diplomatic policies: they have all displeased their allies to the advantage of their enemies. As a result, the US's global leadership is being diminished day by day, and "Pax Americana", which the US so eagerly established after the Second World War, is coming to an end. Donald Trump's decision has dismayed the entire world. By doing so, he has inevitably further damaged the US's global leadership, which could cost the US dear in the longer term.

特朗普唯恐天下不亂 中東霸權爭逐起風雲





特朗普的中東新政策,明顯是一場政治賭博,美國全力擁抱沙特以國,俄羅斯在中東將有更多外交空間合縱連橫;美以沙特與伊朗角力益趨熾烈,也容易擦槍走火。美國著名政治學者羅斯科夫(David Rothkopf)指出,小布殊、奧巴馬和特朗普三任總統政治立場迥異,可是三人的外交政策,均不約而同是「得失盟友,益了敵人」,導致美國全球領導地位日削月朘,二戰後美國致力在全球建立的「美利堅治世」正走向末路。特朗普今次冒天下之大不韙,難免進一步打擊美國全球領導角色,長遠有可能「因小失大」。

