2017年12月14日 星期四

電費加幅可舞高弄低 環境局把關角色可議

<轉載自20171214 明報 社評>


港燈提雙位數加幅 環境局未高調反對



政府要求兩電將天然氣發電比例,在2020年提高至五成,港燈需要增設燃氣機組,為大幅加價提供了最佳口實。按照慣例,兩電年底會提交電費調整方案,經過環境局審批,再交行政會議定斷,然後向立法會交代加幅。據悉今年港燈原本不打算再提供大額回扣,加價幅度達到雙位數,未料行會強烈反對,結果港燈在短短數小時後,提出另一方案,撥出17億元作為燃料費回扣,務求與中電的1.9%「淨電價」加幅看齊。港燈是否早有心理準備,部署「Plan B」預留後路,外界無從得知,惟看在市民眼裏,觀感實在很差,令人質疑港燈相當兒戲,數字任講,龍門任搬,蒙混過關不成才撤回大幅加價要求。




電費加價壓力巨大 講環保更要看民生


Electricity tariff increase prone to manipulation

THE TWO POWER COMPANIES will increase their tariffs next year. As anticipated, they have tried to cover up increases in basic tariffs by offering fuel charge rebates. What is unexpected is HK Electric's tariff-increase U-turn. In only a few hours, it switched from proposing a double-digit tariff increase to asking for only an 1.9 per cent increase in its "net electricity tariff". It seems frivolous to push up or bring down increase percentages readily in this way. The two power companies do zero-risk business. Every year they earn the highest permissible profits. It is impossible for the public to accept double-digit increases. What is astonishing is that the Environment Bureau did not object to such increases unequivocally. It is the Executive Council that has blocked them. What has actually happened? That has aroused concern.

Either power company's tariff is composed of the basic tariff and the fuel charge. The basic tariff is adjusted annually under the Scheme of Control Agreement (SCA) and in the light of some factors. The power company forecasts its fuel cost and requires its customers to pay the fuel charge in advance. In recent years the two companies have often overestimated global fuel price trends. Their customers have been overcharged for fuel. When they apply for tariff increases at the end of the year, they may allocate a portion of what is in their fuel clause accounts (every cent of which comes from the public) and package it as "rebates and rewards to customers" that are supposed to offset the basic tariff increases. In 2013, HK Electric promised to freeze the "net electricity tariff" for 5 years, but its basic tariff has continued to rise. It is this kind of financial shenanigans that the company has resorted to.

Next year both power companies' "net electricity tariffs" will go up 1.9 per cent, which appears moderate. However, if the fuel charge is not taken into account, the increase in CLP Power's basic tariff is 4 per cent. In the case of HK Electric, the basic tariff will be 109.1 cents a unit next year. That is 8.8 per cent higher than predicted in the 5-Year Development Plan HK Electric submitted to the government in 2013.

In the eyes of the public, the Environment Bureau has failed to play its gatekeeping role properly. It has not vigorously objected to HK Electric's double-digit tariff increase proposal. It is the job of government officials to scrutinise meticulously whether tariff increases are fair and reasonable. They must not uncritically accept the power companies' arguments or grant any tariff-increase applications they make.
Early this year, the government signed new SCAs with the two power companies. The permitted rate of return was lowered from 9.99 per cent (the current rate) to 8 per cent. Government officials have asserted the new SCAs would help cut citizens' electricity bills, adding that, when the new agreements are in force late next year, the cost of electricity will fall as much as 5 per cent. This claim is excessively optimistic. The SCAs are slanted towards the two power companies' interests, and it is unfair to require citizens to pay the total fuel cost in advance. It is regrettable that the government failed to have the clauses related to these issues amended in the new SCAs.

What the public is most eager to know now is why the Environment Bureau had failed promptly to say no to Hong Kong Electric. Is it because the officials in charge did not have sufficient financial knowledge or that they were not familiar with power matters? Are there other reasons or difficulties? The government re-formed the team of accountability officials ten years ago. It made a big mistake then when it had the Environment Bureau instead of the policy bureau in charge of economic matters handle power matters. Environment-friendly reduction of emissions is only one of the many aspects of electricity supply. Since the Environment Bureau is in charge of the issue of electricity supply, attempts to balance various considerations that have to do with citizens' lives may be biased. That is a situation which the two power companies may exploit. It is necessary for the government to review such a division of labour in the long term.

電費加幅可舞高弄低 環境局把關角色可議







