2024年5月21日 星期二

「新兩國論」危害和平 賴清德台獨路線鮮明

<轉載自2024521 明報 社評>


台灣也是「國家名稱」 台獨表述大膽露骨






賴清德倚美謀獨 台海局勢凶險多


Taiwan's New Leader Charts a Clear Pro-Independence Path

IN TAIWAN, Lai Ching-te has been sworn in as the new leader of the government. His inaugural speech was full of indications of Taiwan independence, stressing only that the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's Republic of China (PRC) are not subordinate to each other. He evaded the notion of "one China" included in the ROC constitution and made little mention of terms like "cross-strait relations". He directly referred to the mainland as "China", while remarking that Taiwan can be a "country name". Although Lai claims he wants to "maintain the status quo", his inaugural speech is in actuality an advocation of a "new two-state theory" and an attempt to further segregate the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Lai positions himself as a "pragmatic worker for Taiwan's independence" and even describes the ROC constitution as a "disaster". His stance on cross-strait relations is unacceptable and would only jeopardise peace in the Taiwan Strait.

In his inaugural speech, Lai mentioned the ROC nine times, the ROC constitution once and the "Republic of China Taiwan" three times. Among them, the most notable remark was "some call this land the Republic of China, some call it the Republic of China Taiwan, and some, Taiwan; but whichever of these names we ourselves or our international friends choose to call our nation..." This statement is equivalent to saying that both the "Republic of China Taiwan" and "Taiwan" are "country names", which does not accord with the ROC constitution.

According to the ROC constitution, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China. Both the mainland China area and the Taiwan area belong to the ROC. They are not two separate countries. The related articles have created important political space for the framework of "one China with respective interpretations" in the 1992 Consensus. However, in his inaugural address yesterday (20 May), Lai made zero mention of his understanding of the "one China" notion, and he did not refer to the Cross-Strait Act as Tsai Ing-wen did in her speech when she took office in 2016. Article 1 of the Cross-Strait Act clearly states that its legislative purpose is to "ensure the security and public welfare in the Taiwan Area, regulate dealings between the peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area and handle legal matters arising therefrom before national unification".

But in Lai's speech, the term "cross-strait relations" appeared only once, and it was in the context of an antagonistic discourse. He said that "in face of the many threats and attempts of infiltration from China, we must demonstrate our resolution to defend our nation" by way of "strengthened national defense, improved economic security, stable and principled cross-strait leadership and values-based diplomacy" and by "standing side-by-side with other democratic countries". In the eyes of Beijing, such a statement is in essence advocating for independence through reliance on the US.

Lai mentioned "cross-strait relations" once in his speech — the "mainland" zero times even — but the term "China" was mentioned seven times in total. In the past, as the Taipei authorities have never recognised the PRC, they used terms like "the mainland area" instead. If the mainland is viewed as a separate country, it is in fact a contradiction of the ROC constitution. Although Tsai's government has also talked about the principle of "mutual non-subordination" in recent years, in general it still used expressions such as "cross-strait" and "mainland China". Despite Lai's self-proclamation that he will follow "Tsai's path", he is actually taking an even stronger "pro-independence" stance than Tsai.

「新兩國論」危害和平 賴清德台獨路線鮮明






