2018年8月24日 星期五

特事特辦做壞規矩 同行同檢盡快還原

<轉載自2018824 明報 社評>


「行李門」覆核裁定違規 政府修改指引打茅波



這宗司法覆核案件令人側目之處,是機管局在庭上突然透露,當局在聆訊前兩個月修訂了《香港航空保安計劃》第6.2.10段及第6.2.11段條文,將「所有手提行李必須與乘客同行同檢」,改為首檢毋須同行同檢, 覆檢時乘客才必須在場。辯方聲稱,條文修改後,這場覆核已成「學術討論」,再無討論必要,企圖以此說服法庭撤銷覆核申請。當局這次修改指引,事前鮮有人知曉,修訂後亦未有盡快通知空勤人員總工會,做法毫不光明磊落,更有敗壞規矩「搬龍門打茅波」之嫌。高院判辭也提到,當局在法庭受理司法覆核後才修改相關指引,明顯是要針對今次訴訟。

特權疑雲一再出現 政府必須秉公辦事




The High Court's ruling on "baggage gate"

THE "baggage gate" incident involving Leung Chung-yan, former Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's daughter, prompted some flight attendants, who were unhappy with the Airport Authority's decision to allow her to circumvent the requirement for cabin baggage to undergo security checks together with the passenger, to file for judicial review. The High Court has ruled in favour of them. The requirement in question is the best arrangement possible. It is obvious that the way the Airport Authority handled the matter was in violation of the regulations. The authorities amended the regulations surreptitiously before the case was heard by the court and changed the requirement in question. Such an action displayed a lack of openness and candour, leading to suspicions that the authorities were trying to gloss over the matter.

In March 2016 Leung Chung-yan was departing from Hong Kong and left a piece of luggage outside the restricted area. The Airport Authority allowed staff members of the airline to carry the luggage on Leung's behalf into the restricted area and a security check on the luggage was conducted without Leung's presence. Later, the Airport Authority submitted a report and admitted that staff members of the airline sought help from the Airport Authority and specifically mentioned that the Chief Executive's daughter was involved in the incident. But the authority stressed that neither the security regulations of the airport nor international flight safety standards were breached. The authority also said that a special arrangement was not made to deal with a special situation. Some flight attendants, however, argued that the Airport Authority violated the requirement for cabin baggage to undergo security checks together with the passenger. They filed for judicial review to challenge the Airport Authority's decision.

What is most outrageous about the case is that the Airport Authority disclosed out of the blue that the authorities had amended sections 6.2.10 and 6.2.11 of the Hong Kong Aviation Security Programme, changing the requirement that all passengers must be present at the screening of "all cabin baggage" to a new version that required a passenger's presence only when a piece of luggage needed to be checked for a second time. In an attempt to persuade the court to refuse the application for judicial review, the defence claimed that after the amendment, the judicial review case had become an unnecessary "academic discussion". Few people were notified of the amendment beforehand, and after the amendment was completed the Hong Kong Cabin Crew Federation was not notified as soon as possible. Such an action was the antithesis of openness and makes one suspect that the authorities are trampling on the regulations, "moving the goalposts and playing the game unfairly". In the judgement handed down by the High Court, it is mentioned that the authorities amended the regulations in question only after the court agreed to hear the judicial review case. Obviously, the amendment was aimed at the lawsuit.

The aim of security checks at the airport is to ensure the safety of passengers and crew members. There is no reason why completely unnecessary amendments should be made and an undesirable practice should be turned into a permanent one just in order to deal with a lawsuit. The requirement for cabin baggage to undergo security checks together with the passenger has been effective over the years. In terms of security, it is definitely stricter than the new rules. The High Court points out in the judgement that the requirement will not undermine or reduce security, but will rather ensure that the procedure for security checks can be carried out more smoothly and effectively. The defence's claim that there is "difficulty" in carrying out the arrangement and the amendment was aimed at "enhancing the efficiency of the security system" is far-fetched and ridiculous. It is necessary for the government and the Airport Authority to respond to the judgement by the High Court and give the public a reasonable and convincing explanation for the amendment.

特事特辦做壞規矩 同行同檢盡快還原



這宗司法覆核案件令人側目之處,是機管局在庭上突然透露,當局在聆訊前兩個月修訂了《香港航空保安計劃》第6.2.10段及第6.2.11段條文,將「所有手提行李必須與乘客同行同檢」,改為首檢毋須同行同檢, 覆檢時乘客才必須在場。辯方聲稱,條文修改後,這場覆核已成「學術討論」,再無討論必要,企圖以此說服法庭撤銷覆核申請。當局這次修改指引,事前鮮有人知曉,修訂後亦未有盡快通知空勤人員總工會,做法毫不光明磊落,更有敗壞規矩「搬龍門打茅波」之嫌。高院判辭也提到,當局在法庭受理司法覆核後才修改相關指引,明顯是要針對今次訴訟。


