2010年9月16日 星期四

官方保釣不力 民間保釣受壓 神聖領土怎麼辦?

<轉載自2010916 明報社評>





「釣魚台二號」準備出海 食環署突然要登船查鼠患





日藉「依法辦事」保尖閣 港以「依法辦事」壓保釣




China's sovereignty over Diaoyu Islands

The Diaoyu waters saw Japan Coast Guard vessels collide with a Chinese trawler. Neither Beijing nor Taipei has seemed capable of defending China's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands, though they may want to do so. And both have to different degrees thwarted Chinese people's baodiao (safeguarding the Diaoyus) activities.

Not being a political entity, Hong Kong is not in a position to make representations to Japan, but Hong Kong citizens are enthusiastic about and committed to baodiao. However, the SAR government has restricted their baodiao freedom since last year.

In view of what happened last year, Hong Kong baodiao activists intended to keep their plan secret. They decided not to bring it out into the open until they were on the high seas. But how can they ever escape the SAR government's notice? According to some activists, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) contacted them the other day, saying it had received a complaint about rats on Baodiao II. It wanted to agree with them on the time when its officers should inspect the vessel. Because of what happened last year, the baodiao activists have reasonable grounds for suspecting the move the FEHD has just made to be a prelude to the SAR government's attempt to prevent them from sailing to the Diaoyus.

Not only has the FEHD contacted the baodiao activists. We gather that, over the past few days, the police and the Marine Department have tried to find out when Baodiao II will set out. Three government departments have suddenly tried to "look after" the boat. As yet there is no conclusive evidence that the SAR government will again try to thwart Hong Kong citizen's baodiao activities. However, it did such things last year that none would believe it has "looked after" the vessel with the intention of helping it to set out smoothly. We think it will be clear in a few days how the affair will unfold.

Chinese people ought to safeguard China's sovereignty over the Diaoyus. This is a principle of cardinal importance. There is no reason why the authorities should thwart citizens' spontaneous baodiao activities. Japan has for the first time tried to deal with the captain of a Chinese vessel under its domestic law. Though China has repeatedly demanded in strong terms that Captain Zhan Qixiong be released, Japan just sticks to its own way. It refuses to free him on the grounds that the judicial proceedings involved have to be completed. Strictly speaking, Beijing's attempt to settle the trawler dispute and safeguard China's sovereignty over the Diaoyus through diplomatic channels has failed. It remains to be seen what it will do next. However, Chinese people feel more and more intensely they have been humiliated in the affair. The sentiment is pent-up like steam in a pressure cooker. Unless it is vented, we will see very worrying consequences. In our view, the central government should not have attempted to thwart Hong Kong citizens' activities through the agency of the SAR government, and it should have allowed mainlanders freely to express their indignation at Japan's wilful acts.

The SAR government should tell Beijing what may be consequent on such an attempt and dissuade it from obstructing Hong Kong people's baodiao activities. Under the "one country, two systems" principle, the SAR's system is different from the mainland's though it is part of China. Hong Kong people enjoy under the Basic Law fundamental freedoms including that of travel, of movement and of assembly. It is incumbent on the Tsang administration to safeguard Hong Kong people's rights and freedoms. It will be derelict in its duty if it thwarts their baodiao activities in the name of the law. No Hong Kong people would understand or support such behaviour.

