2010年9月10日 星期五

中國政府若過度忍讓 最終只會失去釣魚島

<轉載自2010910 明報 社評>


日若以國內法審船長 中國必須採有力措施反制










宣示主權官方不應遏制 中國軍艦應為保釣漁船護航


Beijing should take tough stance

JAPAN Coast Guard patrol boats collided with Min Jin Yu 5179, a Chinese trawler, in the Diaoyu waters. Subsequently, it was stopped by the Japanese vessels and Zhan Qixiong, its captain, was arrested. The Japanese intend to deal with him under domestic Japanese law.

We gather that Zhan Qixiong has been handed over to prosecutors of Ishigaki, Okinawa. It has been reported that he may be charged with illegal fishing, obstructing officers on duty and other offences. He would on conviction be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years. If he is punished under domestic Japanese law, it will underscore Japan's virtual control of the Diaoyu Islands (which the Japanese call the Senkaku Islands).

Min Jin Yu 5179 fished there in the past. When they spotted it, Japan Coast Guard vessels used to warn it away very loudly. However, a few days ago, two Japan Coast Guard vessels chased it away. All the indications are that Japan takes an increasingly strong position on matters concerning islands lying to its southwest. It is noteworthy whether Japan's loose control over the Diaoyu Islands is giving way to its overt occupation of them.

Japan supports America's strategic plan for resuming its leadership in Asia. It is aimed at containing China. Japan intends to seize this opportunity to carry out more vigorously its plan to turn itself into a military power with America's help. In the light of this background, one may say Japan will certainly take a tougher and tougher stand on the Diaoyu Islands, for they are a pawn with which it can cause trouble with a view to containing China.

The situation is complex, and the Japanese-US military alliance is strong. China's military strength is still far from such that it can be a rival. Nevertheless, as yet Japan's schemes remain on paper. It does not dare now to take military possession of the Diaoyu Islands. As its forbearance would only encourage Japan to press forward, China must alter its policy. It must take a suitably tough stance to make it clear that it not just talks about safeguarding its territorial integrity but is determined to take action to do so too.

China has sent fisheries administration ships to the Diaoyu Islands to enforce the law and protect fishermen. In fact, there is no reason why China should not have its naval vessels patrol the Diaoyu waters. Some people are planning to go there to assert China's sovereignty. The Chinese government should not stop them. It should instead have its naval vessels protect them. China must suitably react to what Japan has done in the Diaoyu waters. In no circumstances should it do anything that may provoke a war. However, it must do something about the issue. The Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory. Is there any reason why no Chinese citizens or naval vessels may go there? If Beijing does not dare even to sanction what would symbolically testify to China's sovereignty over them, how can it talk about China's sacred and inviolable territory? Would the Chinese people agree that China should forgo its sovereignty over them in the interests of Sino-Japanese relations?
Activists from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan are thinking about sending a group of vessels to the Diaoyu waters to assert China's sovereignty. We hope the three governments will work with them to safeguard the islands. They must not try to stop those activists even if they have to keep themselves in the background. Not until last year did the SAR government stand in the way of Hong Kong baodiao (safeguarding the Diaoyus) activists. It then detained Baodiao II and used others methods to prevent it from going to the Diaoyu waters. When it did so, it restricted Hong Kong people's basic liberties in contradiction with the spirit of the "one country, two systems" principle. It will be held in contempt if it again stands in the way of Hong Kong baodiao activists.

