2023年4月26日 星期三

社評:區議會改制去政治化 非政權組織不宜封閉

<轉載自2023427 明報 社評>


糾正昔日區會亂象 不必大減民選成分




反修例風暴後,中央落實愛國者治港,不容反中亂港、宣揚港獨的人進入政治體制之內。即使區議會只屬非政權區域諮詢組織,但始終是體制一環,選舉制度修改,不會只觸及選委會、立法會及行政長官,而不及區議會。可以相信,日後有意循直選方式角逐區議會的參選人,將跟立法會參選人一樣,需要通過資格審查,另外還有宣誓制度及DQ (取消資格)機制。問題是既然有了這些機制確保區議員愛國愛港,是否一定要大幅減少民選議席。


區會角色職能若大削 議員人數薪津應調整


District Councils Should Not Become A Black Box

The term of office of the current district councils will conclude at the end of this year, and the government's review of their composition and functions is also coming to a close. Chief Executive John Lee recently stated that district councils are worth keeping. The number of seats in the next session will be similar to the current one, with the salary and allowances of councillors remaining the same, but the method for their selection will be changed into "multiple ways" while "certain electoral elements will be retained", he said.

Observers have interpreted this as the resumption of an appointment system for future district councils. It remains for the authorities to announce the specific arrangements. John Lee mainly talked about guiding principles, including: 1) national security should be the top priority, so district councils should be depoliticised and should revert to one of the "district organisations which are not organs of political power... to be consulted by the government" as stipulated in Article 97 of the Basic Law; 2) district governance must be in the hands of patriots to ensure the effective governance of the SAR; 3) the structure for district governance must be strengthened to reflect the executive-led system and improve district mobilisation capabilities.

The first district boards in 1982 were composed of elected, appointed, [rural committee] ex officio and [government] official members. Over more than 40 years, the roles, functions and powers of the district boards — later councils — have evolved constantly. In terms of their composition, the general trend has been a continuously increasing proportion of elected seats, while official seats only lasted for a short time. Although appointed seats saw a turn at the time of the Handover [when they were reintroduced], all of them were abolished in 2016, with only 27 ex officio members remaining.

In terms of their roles and functions, the councils' constitutional status as "district organisations which are not organs of political power... to be consulted by the government" has never changed. However, their real power continues to expand. The 2010 political reform package added five Legislative Council seats for the District Council (Second) constituency — dubbed "Super Seats" — to be contested by district councillors. At the same time, district councils were empowered to elect 117 members of the Election Committee, signalling district councillors' new political power to elect Legco members and the Chief Executive. As for district affairs, the SAR government devolved power to district councils to handle some minor works in their own areas, which also gave them more real power in terms of allocating resources.

The duty of a district council is to reflect the views of residents in its communities. Although public opinion is shown in many ways, direct elections are definitely one of the ways which are the most open and actualise the notion of accountability to the greatest extent. Hong Kong is a pluralistic society. When the central government revised Legco's electoral system, it emphasised that it had no intention of making it a place of uniform political allegiance. For district councils to "return to the basics" and revert to their original roles as solely consultative district organisations which are not organs of political power, the degree of openness and public participation should be as high as possible. Even if the authorities genuinely believe that the situation in the past few years necessitates reducing direct election elements to prevent political extremism, it is still unsuitable for the proportion of elected seats to fall below 50%.

區議會改制去政治化 非政權組織不宜封閉






