2021年11月16日 星期二

習拜不願兵戎相見 台海烽火風險未消

<轉載自20211117 明報 社評>

中美元首視像峰會,為穩定兩國關係踏出重要一步。國家主席習近平強調和平共處,美國總統拜登則表示要避免競爭演變成衝突,中美關係進入新時期,縱使博弈依舊激烈,兩國互動至少有望重拾可預期性,降低開戰風險,然而台灣問題始終是一大隱憂。近月台海局勢緊張,北京一再抨擊台北當局「倚美謀獨」、美方有人企圖「以台制華 」,警告玩火者必自焚。有關論調並不新鮮,可是同一番話,由國家主席親自向美國總統嚴正說出,分量與性質可不一樣。中美「競合關係」新常態,能否確保鬥而不破,避免兵戎相見,還看美台兩地政治人物是否知所分寸,適時收手。

中美關係新階段 「老朋友」先過一招




習談台灣措辭嚴正 美須停止「以台制華」




Xi and Biden Pledge Peace Amid Lurking Taiwan Strait Conflict

THE virtual summit between the Sino-US leaders is an important step towards stabilising the relationship between the two countries. President Xi Jinping stressed the importance of peaceful coexistence, while US President Joe Biden said they have to ensure that the competition between the two powers does not veer into conflict. Though the rivalry between the nations remains fierce, the Sino-US relationship has entered a new stage and hopefully, predictability can at least be restored in their interactions, reducing the risks of war breaking out. However, the Taiwan problem is still a major concern. Amid the high tensions over the Taiwan Strait situation in recent months, Beijing has repeatedly slammed Taipei authorities for "relying on the US for independence" and claimed that some people in the US intend to "use Taiwan to contain China". It has also warned that whoever plays with fire will get burnt. Such a rhetoric is not anything new. But when the same words are spoken solemnly by the Chinese President himself to the US President, their weight and nature speak different volumes. Whether the new norm of a Sino-US "competition-collaboration relationship" could avoid descending into conflict and warfare will depend on whether the politicians in America and Taiwan know their place and when to stop.

The Sino-US relationship has been in a downward spiral in recent years. The bottomless diplomatic provocations by the Trump administration jeopardised the footings of Sino-US relations and raised the risks of conflict significantly. After Biden took office, the White House took more than half a year to review its China policy. The triple-faceted relationship of "competition, collaboration and confrontation" proposed by the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken can be seen as the basic framework of Biden's attitude towards China. The latest Xi-Biden virtual summit thus marks an official new start for the Sino-US relationship.

The Xi-Biden summit lasted for more than three hours. According to the two sides' account of the summit afterwards, the meeting was a friendly one. Biden and Xi had known each other long before they became national leaders and had a certain degree of mutual understanding. Right at the very start of the summit yesterday (November 16), Xi called Biden his "old friend". Symbols and signs are often given high importance in diplomacy. Particularly, the term "old friend" carries special meaning in Chinese diplomacy, even though an "old friend" may not equate to a current "good friend". Xi's opening remarks had the dual effect of sending out a friendly message and to a certain extent, testing Biden's attitude. Biden beat about the bush and avoided mentioning the word "friend" from beginning to end. Still, he clearly admitted their long-standing fellowship between the lines, and his tone was already significantly different from his previous ones.

The Xi-Biden summit is important because it has restored the predictability of the interactions between the two nations. According to Xinhua News Agency, the two leaders had "thorough and in-depth communication and exchanges on issues of strategic, overarching and fundamental importance shaping the development of China-US relations and on important issues of mutual interest". Both presidents agreed that the meeting was fruitful and helped increase their mutual understanding. This account highlights that the presiding focus of the summit was in fact, to sort out the major principal problems concerning their relations rather than to discuss anything practical. The pursuit of "productive outcomes" of specific issues will be a matter of the next step.

Xi stressed that no conflict and no confrontation is a line that both sides must hold, and hoped that Biden will steer America's China policy back on the track of reason and pragmatism. Meanwhile, Biden emphasised on ensuring that the competition between the two countries does not veer into conflict. With the speculation that China and the US will "definitely go to war" growing even more popular in recent years, the fact that Xi and Biden have made it clear that they do not want to wage war against each other is of great significance.

習拜不願兵戎相見 台海烽火風險未消






